Resolution Establishing Ann Arbor Commercial Rehabilitation District No. 2018-001 - Kensington Hotel
Attached please find for Council action the necessary resolution to establish a Commercial Rehabilitation District upon the request by Barbara Herzig, on behalf of Graham Hotel Systems, the parent company of The Kensington Hotel and the Holiday Inn Express, located at 3500 S State Street on August 16, 2018.
Public Act 210 of 2005, The Commercial Rehabilitation Act, encourages the rehabilitation of commercial property by abating the property taxes generated from new investment for a period up to 10 years.
State law requires that a Commercial Rehabilitation District may be established after a public hearing by the local governing body. Establishment of a Commercial Rehabilitation District is required prior to receipt of any applications for a Commercial Rehabilitation Exemption Certificate within the Commercial Rehabilitation District.
Prepared by: Michael Gonzales, Interim Assessor
Reviewed by: Tom Crawford, Financial Services Area Administrator and CFO
Approved by: Howard S. Lazarus, City Administrator
Whereas, Pursuant to Public Act 210 of 2005, as amended, the City Council has the authority to establish “Commercial Rehabilitation Districts” within the City of Ann Arbor;
Whereas, Barbara Herzig, on behalf of Graham Hotel Systems, Inc. (“Applicant”) filed a written request with the City Clerk requesting the establishment of a Commercial Rehabilitation District on the Applicant’s property and located in the City, which is described below (referred to herein as “the Proposed District”);
Whereas, After receiving the Applicant’s request, the City Council set a public hearing to be held on September 17, 2018, for the Council to consider to whether the Proposed District should be created;
Whereas, Written notice of such hearing was given by certified mail to Washtenaw County and all owners of real property located within the Proposed District, as required by section 3(3) of PA 210 of 2005;
Whereas, Notice was published in the Washtenaw Legal News for ten days giving the public notice of the September 17, 2018 public hearing;
Whereas, On September 17, 2018, a public hearing was held at which Washtenaw County, all owners of real property within the Proposed District, and all residents and taxpayers of the City were afforded an opportunity to be heard thereon;
Whereas, At such public hearing, the City Council determined that the Proposed District meets the requirements set forth in sections 2(b) and 3 of PA 210 of 2005; and
Whereas, City Council deems it to be in the City’s public interest to establish the Proposed District;
RESOLVED, That the City Council finds that the Proposed District is at least three acres in size, that there is a group of contiguous buildings of commercial property on the Proposed District that are fifteen years old or older, and that, as a result, the Proposed District meets the requirements of Section 3(1) of PA 210 of 2005;
RESOLVED, That the City Council hereby establishes a Commercial Rehabilitation District pursuant to the provisions of PA 210 of 2005, on the following described parcel of land situated in the City of Ann Arbor, County of Washtenaw, State of Michigan, to wit:
PRT NE 1/4 SEC 8 T3S R6E COM E 1/4 COR SEC 8 TH N 1 DEG 39 MIN W 1077.25 FT TH S 87 DEG 25 MIN W 60 FT FOR POB TH S 1 DEG 39 MIN E 165.16 FT TH S 26 DEG 05 MIN W 172.35 FT TH S 70 DEG 21 MIN W 174.70 FT TH S 54 DEG 52 MIN 30 SEC W 163.84 FT TH S 39 DEG 24 MIN 10 SEC W 198.53 FT TH S 51 DEG 05 MIN 30 SEC W 193.56 FT TH N 36 DEG 28 MIN W 423.05 FT TH NELY 68.08 FT ALG ARC OF 892.43 FT RAD CIR CUR TO LT THRU A CENTRAL ANG OF 4 DEG 22 MIN 15 SEC HAVING A CH WHICH BEARS N 51 DEG 1 MIN 50 SEC E 68.07 FT TH 34.72 FT IN ARC OF CUR NW R-892.43 FT CH N 49 DEG 55 MIN E 34.67 FT N 46 DEG 37 MIN E 159 FT TH 588.50 FT IN ARC OF CUR SE R-862.43 FT CH N 67 DEG 1 MIN E 576.14 FT TH N 87 DEG 25 MIN E 172.83 FT TO POB ALSO LOT 16 BRIARWOOD SUB
Tax Parcel ID No: 12-08-100-062
RESOLVED, That the above-described Commercial Rehabilitation District established pursuant to the provisions of PA 210 of 2005 shall be known as “Ann Arbor Commercial Rehabilitation District No. 2018-001”; and
RESOLVED, That the City Clerk be hereby instructed to send Washtenaw County a copy of this resolution via certified mail in accordance with Section 3(4) of PA 210 of 2005.