Resolution to Approve a General Services Contract with Margolis Nursery, Inc. for the Elizabeth Dean Fund Tree Planting Projects ($60,000.00; Bid No. RFP# 24-25)
Attached for your review and approval is a resolution to approve a general services contract with Margolis Nursery, Inc. in the amount of $60,000.00 annually for the Elizabeth Dean Fund Tree Planting Projects in parks and along City street rights-of-way.
RFP# 24-25 was advertised on the City’s website and BidNet for tree planting, which included the purchase, delivery, and planting of approximately 130 trees in parks and along City street rights-of-way, and a one-year guarantee. One bid was received and opened on April 16, 2024.
The Elizabeth Dean Fund Committee identified and approved tree planting projects to plant approximately 130 trees in parks and along city street rights-of-way. These projects all meet the spirit and intent of Elizabeth Dean to be used “to repair, maintain, or replace trees on city property in the City of Ann Arbor, perpetually” and will be spent in accordance with the purpose of the Elizabeth Dean Trust Fund for fiscal year 2025.
Budget/Fiscal Impacts: The total maximum cost of the tree planting project in FY 2025 is $60,000.00. Funding is available in the FY25 Elizabeth R. Dean Trust Fund Operations and Maintenance Budget. The one-year renewal option in the amount of $61,800.00 is subject to FY 2026 budget availability.
The resolution includes a request for a 5% contingency in the amount of $3,000.00 to cover potential change orders to be approved by the City Administrator.
Prepared by: Tiffany Giacobazzi, Urban Forest/Natural Resource Planning
Coordinator, Public Works
Reviewed by: Paul Matthews, Public Works Manager
Sue McCormick, Interim Public Services Area Administrator
Approved by: Milton Dohoney Jr., City Administrator
Whereas, Ann Arbor’s urban and community forest is a defining and valued characteristic of the city that residents call “Tree Town,” making it a desirable place to live, work and play;
Whereas, Elizabeth R. Dean willed nearly $2,000,000.00 for planting and maintaining the city’s trees;
Whereas, In response to RFP 24-25 one bid was received by the Procurement Unit on April 16, 2024, and Margolis Nursery, Inc. of Ypsilanti, Michigan is a responsible bidder at $60,000.00 annually;
Whereas, The term of the contract with Margolis Nursery, Inc. is for one (1) year and up to $60,000.00 dollars;
Whereas, Margolis Nursery, Inc. complies with the City’s non-discrimination and Living Wage Ordinances; and
Whereas, Funds are available in the approved FY25 Elizabeth R. Dean Trust Fund Budget;
RESOLVED, That City Council approve a one-year general services contract with Margolis Nursery, Inc. for an amount not to exceed $60,000.00 for the Elizabeth Dean Fund Tree Planting Projects (RFP 24-25);
RESOLVED, That a contract contingency in the amount of $3,000.00 (5%) is established and the City Administrator be authorized to approve change orders to the contract with Margolis Companies, Inc., to satisfactorily complete this project;
RESOLVED, That the City Administrator be authorized to extend the agreement under the same terms for two additional one-year periods with a 3% cost escalator for each renewal, providing both parties agree to an extension and subject to the availability of funds;
RESOLVED, That the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized and directed to execute said contract after approval as to form by the City Attorney and approval as to substance by the City Administrator; and
RESOLVED, That the City Administrator be authorized to take the necessary administrative actions to implement this resolution.