Resolution No. 3 - Establishing a Public Hearing for the East Stadium Boulevard Sidewalk Special Assessment Project
Attached for your review and approval is Resolution No. 3 establishing the date for the Public Hearing on the East Stadium Boulevard Sidewalk Special Assessment District No. 49, File No. 2014-035.
The sidewalk has been constructed along the south side of East Stadium Boulevard from 200 feet east of Kipke Drive to 275 feet west of S. Main.
Prepared by: David Petrak, Assessor
Reviewed by: Tom Crawford, Financial Services Administrator and CFO
Approved by: Howard S. Lazarus, City Administrator
Whereas, The City Council had directed the City Assessor to prepare a Special Assessment Roll for the purpose of defraying that part of the cost of the following described public improvement to be defrayed by Special Assessment: Construction of a new sidewalk along the south side of East Stadium Boulevard between 275’ west of S. Main and 200’ east of Kipke Drive. Sidewalk Special Assessment District No. 49, File No. 2014-035.
Whereas, The City Assessor has prepared said Special Assessment Roll and has the same on file in the Assessor’s office with his certificate attached thereto; and
Whereas, The Michigan Tax Tribunal requires appearance and protest at the public hearing in order to appeal the amount of the special assessment, if an appeal should be desired;
RESOLVED, That said Special Assessment Roll be on file in the office of the City Assessor and shall be made available for public examination;
RESOLVED; That City Council of the City of Ann Arbor hereby sets a public hearing for December 18, 2017 at 7:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as it may be convened in the City Council Chambers, 2nd floor, Guy Larcom Municipal Building, 301 E. Huron St. to receive public comment on the proposed East Stadium Boulevard Sidewalk Special Assessment as described in the attachment to this Resolution;
RESOLVED, That said notice so published and mailed be in substantially the attached form: