Resolution to Approve Schedule 22-A to the Interagency Agreement for Collaborative Technology and Services Designating Washtenaw County as a Participating Entity to the City’s Enterprise License Agreement for Cityworks Software with Azteca, Inc.
Attached for your review and approval is a resolution authorizing Schedule 22-A to the Interagency Agreement for Collaborative Technology and Services. This schedule will continue to allow Washtenaw County to be on the City’s Enterprise License Agreement for Cityworks software allowing the County to maintain their own Cityworks installation for use by Water Resources Commissioner.
Fiscal/Budget Impact: The City’s portion of the FY 2018 Enterprise License Agreement is planned and budgeted for in the FY 2018 Information Technology Services Fund. The County’s proportionate share of the annual expense will be invoiced and appropriated when received to the ITS Fund.
On April 6th, 2015 City Council approved Resolution R-15-0272, which created Schedule 22 to the Interagency Agreement for Collaborative Technology and Services. This schedule allowed Washtenaw County to be added to the City’s Enterprise License Agreement for Cityworks Software for three years. The term of Schedule 22 ends September 14, 2017. Schedule 22-A will allow the County, as a participating entity to receive the support and maintenance services with the City as the main licensee for Cityworks. Schedule 22-A has a one-year term with an automatic one-year renewal provision.
Prepared by: Joshua Baron, Application Delivery Manager, ITSU
Reviewed by: Tom Shewchuk, Director, Information Technologies Service Unit
Reviewed by: Tom Crawford, CFO and Financial Services Area Administrator
Approved by: Howard S. Lazarus, City Administrator
Whereas, Washtenaw County, the City of Ann Arbor and Ann Arbor Transportation Authority entered into an Interagency Agreement for Collaborative Technology and Services;
Whereas, Schedule 22 to the Interagency Agreement for Collaborative Technology and Services for the County to be added to the City’s Enterprise License Agreement for Cityworks software was developed to address this need;
Whereas, City Council approved Resolution R-15-0272 which created Schedule 22 to the Interagency Agreement for Collaborative Technology and Services allowing Washtenaw County to be added to the City’s Enterprise License Agreement for Cityworks Software with a term ending September 14, 2017;
Whereas, It is in the best interest of the City and Washtenaw County that the support and maintenance annual provided to users of Cityworks Software be continued; and
Whereas, The City’s portion of the FY 2018 Enterprise License Agreement is planned and budgeted for in the FY 2018 Information Technology Services Budget and Washtenaw County, under the terms of Schedule 22-A, will be billed annually for its proportionate share of the cost of support and maintenance services;
RESOLVED, That City Council approve Schedule 22-A to the Interagency Agreement for Collaborative Technology and Services with the City of Ann Arbor as the provider and Washtenaw County as subscriber, for sharing of the City’s Enterprise License Agreement for Cityworks software;
RESOLVED, That the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized and directed to execute Schedule 22-A to the Interagency Agreement for Collaborative Technology and Services after approval as to substance by the City Administrator and approval as to form by the City Attorney; and
RESOLVED, That the City Administrator be authorized to take all necessary actions to implement this Resolution regardless of Fiscal Year.