Resolution to Approve a Purchase Order with MicroSurvey Software, Inc. and Leica Geosystems, Inc. for the Purchase of a Replacement of a Crash and Crime Scene Mapping System ($40,032.10)
The attached resolution requests approval to issue a purchase order to MicroSurvey Software, Inc. and to Leica Geosystems, Inc. for the purchase of a new Crash and Crime Mapping System and Crash/Crime Scene Diagramming License. Our existing crash scene mapping program by LTI is antiquated and does not have the capability of measuring crime scenes.
The Police department evaluated mapping systems from Faro, LTI, and, and Leica Geosystems. As a result, we recommend the Leica Geosystem TS13 Total Station solution as a cooperative MiDEAL purchase because the system capabilities use integrated Global Positioning System, which leads to better crash and crime scene mapping for evidentiary purposes. The Leica Geosystems solution will also allow for faster crash and crime scene mapping and will require less personnel to operate the system. The Disto S910 Bundle by MicroSurvey is recommended as a best source purchase for the reasons stated in the attached Best Source form. The Bundle is required to operate the system and its sole function is to interpret the data that is recorded by the mapping system. Additionally, The Disto S910 will allow detectives to map crime scenes indoors as well. The Michigan State Police use the Leico Geosystem TS13 Robotic Total Station as well and have been pleased with its capabilities.
Budget/Fiscal Impact: The Police Department has funds available in the FY20 Federal Equitable Forfeiture fund for the total cost of this purchase ($40,032.10). A ten percent (10%) contingency of $4,003 is also requested to cover additional expenses (SIM cards, tablets, etc.) necessary to use the system and this amount is also available in the FY20 Federal Equitable Forfeiture fund.
Prepared by: Aimee Metzer, Deputy Chief
Reviewed by: Jason Forsberg, Deputy Chief
William Clock, Sergeant/Accident Reconstructionist
Approved by: Tom Crawford, Interim City Administrator
Whereas, The City of Ann Arbor Police Department requires efficient and interoperable technology be maintained for public safety and government agencies, allowing for the effective delivery of City services;
Whereas, The City requires a more reliable and full featured long-term solution and is in need of reducing the amount of technical support required;
Whereas, The Police department informally evaluated three solutions and recommend the Leico Geosystems for its reliability, functionality, and cost (pursuant to the Cooperative Purchase attached MiDEAL contract) compared to other solutions;
Whereas, The City Administrator recommends that the attached MicroSurvey quote be approved without competitive bidding as a best source for the reasons outlined in the attached Best Source form;
Whereas, Funding in the amount of $40,032.10 is available in the FY20 Federal Equitable Forfeiture fund; and
Whereas, Leica GeoSystems, Inc. complies with the requirements of the City’s non-discrimination and living wage ordinances;
RESOLVED, That City Council authorize the purchase of items in the MicroSurvey Software, Inc. quote without competitive bidding as a best source;
RESOLVED, That City Council accepts the MiDEAL Cooperative Purchase pricing for the attached Leico Geosystems, Inc. quote as it is cost effective and in the City’s best interest;
RESOLVED, That City Council approve issuance of a purchase order to Leica Geosystems, Inc. in the amount not to exceed $33,590.90 and to MicroSurvey Software, Inc. in the amount not to exceed $6,441.20;
RESOLVED, That Council approve a ten percent (10%) contingency in the amount of $3,359.00 for Leica Geosystems, Inc. and $644.00 for MicroSurvey Software, Inc, expendable from the FY20 Federal Equitable Forfeiture fund budget, subject to City Administrator approval;
RESOLVED, That the City Administrator be authorized to take all necessary administrative actions to implement this Resolution.