Resolution Creating an Advisory Task Force to Make Recommendations Regarding the Roles and Responsibilities of a Community Policing Commission
Reviewed By: Stephen K. Postema, City Attorney
Approved By: Howard S. Lazarus, City Administrator
Whereas, In response to community engagement and the Human Rights Commission’s request (HRC resolution of November 4, 2015), the City Council directed that the City undertake an independent evaluation of the Ann Arbor Police Department’s community engagement practices;
Whereas, The City Administrator conducted an open, inclusive, and transparent process to develop the scope of services for the assessment with members of the Human Rights Commission and stakeholders from diverse populations within the community; identified a qualified firm to perform the evaluation; received a unanimous recommendation to hire the contractor from the Human Rights Commission on February 8, 2017; received Council approval to award a contract (R-17-051, Feb. 21, 2017); and received a report that met the requirements of the contract;
Whereas, The resulting report entitled Ann Arbor Police Department (AAPD): An Independent Analysis of Community Engagement Practices was delivered to the City in November 2017; and the report presented forty (40) recommendations in the areas of Co-Produced Policing, Community Engagement, Citizen Complaints and Discipline, Accreditation Implementation and Policy Review, Personnel Management Practices, and Training;
Whereas, The City Council seeks to take action to advance the community’s goals with respect to law enforcement practices and community engagement in consideration of the recommendations of the November 2017 report by creating a Community Policing Commission; and
Whereas, The staffing and budget necessary to support the Community Policing Commission can only be determined by the City Administrator, with approval of City Council, after the scope and functions of Community Policing Commission are articulated;
RESOLVED, That the City Council directs the City Administrator to complete the following:
(1) Solicit volunteers, with input from the Human Rights Commission, the Neutral Zone, and other appropriate community stakeholders, to serve on a task force whose purpose will be to prepare a recommendation outlining the roles and responsibilities for a proposed Community Policing Commission. Members of the task force shall be Ann Arbor residents and service on the task force shall neither ensure nor preclude future service on the Community Policing Commission. Employees of the City of Ann Arbor will not be eligible to serve as voting members of the task force. The City Administrator will provide the names of potential members of the task force to the Human Rights Commission for review and recommendation, and the Commission’s recommendations will accompany the Mayor’s nominations presented to Council for confirmation and appointment.
(2) Prepare a resolution for Council, by the March 19, 2018 regular City Council meeting, to confirm nomination of the task force members and a Chairperson of the task force, who shall be nominated by the Mayor. The task force shall consist of eleven (11) voting members nominated by the Mayor from among interested persons, including those referred through or recommended by the Human Rights Commission, the Neutral Zone, or other stakeholders, and which shall include one (1) Chairperson and at least one (1) youth member. The task force shall also include two (2) nonvoting City Council Members.
(3) Designate staff with the appropriate skills, knowledge, and seniority to assist the task force. Such staff may include but are not limited to representation from the Police Department, Finance Department, and City Attorney’s Office;
RESOLVED, That the purpose of the task force shall be to make a recommendation outlining the roles and responsibilities of a proposed Community Policing Commission. The recommendation may include discussion of the proposed Commission’s roles and responsibilities in the following areas:
• Report and make recommendations regarding training and education of AAPD staff.
• Report and make recommendations regarding public education and communication efforts of AAPD and the City regarding police matters, including police policies and practices.
Policing Practices
• Receive periodic reports and review pertinent data regarding policing practices (e.g., hiring, discipline, budget, staffing, complaints, training, and compliance).
• Report and make recommendations regarding policing practices.
• Mutual development with AAPD of a Policing Strategic Plan, including community input.
• Explore non-law enforcement public safety interventions that complement the actions of AAPD, such as crisis intervention teams.
• Receive police department policies and related forms for purposes of review and evaluation.
Incident Review
• Receive and review reports from AAPD containing data on complaints and disciplinary actions.
• Report and make recommendations to AAPD and City Council regarding AAPD complaint process and outcomes.
• Evaluate civilian-AAPD alternative dispute resolution process.
• Receive and review relevant records of civilian complaints upon Commission request.
• Create and implement procedure and criteria to receive civilian complaints.
• Receive civilian feedback regarding complaints, complaint investigation and complaint outcomes.
• Perform post-action review of complaints and receive additional information regarding complaint outcomes upon request.
• Review incidents that resulted in complaints, injuries, or death for the purpose of identifying improvements in AAPD training, policies, procedures, or practices.
Reporting and Evaluations
• Drafting and delivery of reports and evaluations that support Commission recommendations to AAPD, City Administrator, and City Council.
• Review of best practices and recommendation of data analytics to measure outcomes of policing initiatives, including the community policing strategic plan.
Commission Membership
• Members of the commission should represent a broad cross section of the community that includes individual residents from communities most impacted by policing, as well as representatives from relevant fields such as mental health, restorative justice, and social work. Members of the commission should be residents of the City of Ann Arbor who are not employed by the City.
• Member responsibilities, including solicitation of community input.
• Required member training, including consideration of the Ann Arbor Citizens Academy, Citizens’ Police, Fire and Courts Academy, and AAPD ride-alongs;
RESOLVED, That it is requested that the task force’s recommendations be mindful of state law, the City Charter, existing collective bargain agreements, and the Act 312 binding arbitration process, understanding that it will be within the authority of the Community Policing Commission to recommend that the City seek changes to the foregoing as necessary to achieve Community Policing Commission goals; and
RESOLVED, That the City Administrator, taking into consideration the advisory task force’s recommendations, the November 2017 report, and other relevant information, bring to City Council a resolution to establish the Community Policing Commission, detailing its roles and responsibilities and describing the anticipated budget and staffing impact, with a target date of the September 4, 2018 regular City Council meeting.
As Amended by Ann Arbor City Council on February 5, 2018
Sponsored by: Mayor Taylor, Councilmembers Warpehoski and Eaton