Resolution to Accept FEMA Pre-Disaster Mitigation Grant and Appropriate Grant Funds for a Project to Update the City of Ann Arbor Multihazard Mitigation Plan (8 Votes Required)
The attached resolution approves the grant agreement between the City of Ann Arbor and Michigan State Police, Emergency Management and Homeland Security Division for $118,053.28.
Budget/Fiscal Impact: The City is responsible for provision of at least 25% matching funds from nonfederal sources. City funds to be appropriated from General Fund balance to Fire Service Unit without regard to fiscal year
Total estimated cost of this mitigation project: $157,428.23
Total FEMA (federal) contribution: $118, 053.28
Total City (nonfederal) contribution $ 39,374.95
In 2012, FEMA approved the current City of Ann Arbor Hazard Mitigation Plan .The City Hazard Mitigation Plan is updated on a 5-year cycle. The update will bring the City of Ann Arbor Plan current with the State’s FEMA-approved mitigation plan and ensure that all hazards and mitigation procedures are up-to-date. In addition updating the plan will allow the City to remain eligible for FEMA funding.
The Plan update will include an evaluation process of the existing plan for its strengths, weaknesses and utility invoicing City Services Areas, participation of agency stakeholders and the public.
Prepared by: Mary Joan Fales, Senior Assistant City Attorney
Reviewed by:Rick Norman, Emergency Management Coordinator
Larry Collins, AAFD
Approved by: Howard S. Lazarus, City Administrator
Whereas, The City has been awarded a Pre-Disaster Mitigation Grant by the State of Michigan Department of State Police-Emergency Management and Homeland Security Division for the purpose updating its current Hazard Mitigation Plan;
Whereas, The implementation of cost-effective hazard mitigation measures will permanently reduce or eliminate the long-term risk to human life and property from natural, technological, or human-caused disasters and their effects; and
Whereas, Updating the City’s Hazard Mitigation Plan will allow the City to continue to receive FEMA funding for City project; and
RESOLVED, That on approval, the City Administrator is directed to establish a Major Grant Fund for this Project and transfer all matching funding to the major grant fund for grant management and expenditure of the funds by AAFD for the life of the Project without regard to fiscal year;
RESOLVED, That the City accept and appropriate the above grant funds and appropriate the necessary (25%) matching fund of $39,374.95 from General Fund balance to the Fire Service Unit for the purpose of updating the City of Ann Arbor Hazard Mitigation Plan for expenditure without regard to fiscal year;
RESOLVED, That City Council authorize the Mayor, City Clerk and City Administrator to execute all documents necessary to complete the Grant requirements after approval as to form by the City Attorney; and
RESOLVED, That the City Administrator, or his designee, be authorized to take all other necessary actions to implement this Resolution and the project.