Resolution to Approve a General Services Agreement with Utility Metering Solutions LLC for Project Management and Installation Services for the Water Meter Replacement Program ($3,513,645.00, RFP No. 18-27) and Appropriate Sewage Disposal Fund Share ($1,705,422.00) (8 Votes Required)
Attached for your approval is a resolution to enter into a contract with Utility Metering Solutions LLC (“UMS”) for $3,055,345.00 for Water Meter and Meter Transmission Unit Replacement and to approve a 15% contingency of $458,300.00, for a maximum expenditure of $3,513,645.00.
This contract will support the Water Meter Replacement Program, which will replace 26,650 water meters and meter transmission units (“MTUs”) throughout the City and make network upgrades to improve communication of water and sewer usage data. The Program is appropriate due to the battery life (approximately 15 years) of existing MTUs, which were installed in 2004-2005. Contemporaneously installed water meters are also nearing the end of their useful life. Failure of either would result in a loss of, or inaccurate, water/sewer use data.
Under this contract, UMS will provide overall project management and installation services for the Program including overall coordination, customer outreach, scheduling, integration with the City’s existing IT and billing systems and the installation of new ultrasonic water meters and MTUs. The contract also includes gathering customer water service line material information to comply with the Lead and Copper Rule, as well as surveying properties for compliance with the City’s Cross Connection Control Program.
In response to RFP No. 18-27, 5 proposals were received on October 18, 2018. City staff selected UMS as best suited. A summary of the proposals is attached.
Upgrades to the existing advanced metering infrastructure network and supply of the water meters and MTUs will be performed under a separate agreement with Aclara Technologies LLC.
UMS complies with the requirements of the City’s Non-Discrimination and Living Wage ordinances.
Budget Impact: The FY 2020-2025 Capital Improvements Plan (“CIP”) includes funding for this work under the Water Meter and MTU Replacement Program (UT-WS-14-17). Funding for the meter replacement project is included in the approved water ($1,705,423.00) and sewage disposal ($1,705,422.00) capital budgets. The customer water service line material information survey is included in the FY 20 Water Operations and Maintenance Budget ($102,800.00).
Prepared by: Chris Elenbaas, P.E., Public Works Engineer
Reviewed by: Molly Maciejewski, Public Works Unit Manager
Reviewed by: Craig Hupy, Public Services Area Administrator
Approved by: Howard S. Lazarus, City Administrator
Whereas, It’s appropriate to replace 26,650 water meters and meter transmission units (“MTU”) throughout the City;
Whereas, The cost of this work is included in the approved Water and Sewage Disposal Capital Budgets and Water Operations and Maintenance Budget;
Whereas, Proposals for the Advanced Metering Infrastructure Upgrades and Water Meter Supply Project (RFP No. 18-27) were received by the City on October 18, 2018;
Whereas, City staff found Utility Metering Solutions LLC (“UMS”) best suited to execute the Project;
Whereas, It is now appropriate to enter into a general services agreement with UMS for the Project; and
Whereas, UMS complies with the City’s Non-Discrimination and Living Wage ordinances;
RESOLVED, That a general services agreement in the amount of $3,055,345.00 be approved with UMS for project management and installation services;
RESOLVED, That a contract contingency amount of $458,300.00 be established within the project budget and that the City Administrator be authorized to approve additional change orders to the general services agreement with UMS not to exceed $458,300.00 in order to satisfactorily complete this project;
RESOLVED, That the Water Fund Capital budget expenditure and revenue budget be increased by $1,705,422.00, with the source of funding being a transfer from the approved Sewage Disposal Fund Capital Budget;
RESOLVED, That the funding be made available without regard to fiscal year until satisfactory completion of the Water Meter Replacement Program;
RESOLVED, That the City makes the following declaration for the purpose of complying with the reimbursement rules of Treasury Regulations 1.150-2 pursuant to the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended: that the City reasonably expects to reimburse itself for expenditures for the costs of the Project with proceeds of Bonds;
RESOLVED, That the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized and directed to execute said contract after approval as to form by the City Attorney, and approval as to substance by the City Administrator; and
RESOLVED, That the City Administrator be authorized to take the necessary administrative actions to implement this resolution.