Resolution to Approve the Services Agreement with Pleune Service Company for Water Treatment Plant HVAC and Chiller Maintenance Services- RFP #17-08 ($178,405.00)
Your approval is requested to authorize a professional services agreement with Pleune Service Company for heating, ventilation, air conditioning (HVAC) and chiller service at the Water Treatment Plant for up to $178,405.00 through FY22.
On April 21, 2017, the City issued a request for proposals (RFP # 17-08) to award one (1) contract for HVAC and chiller preventative and corrective maintenance services for all of the Water Treatment Plant’s units. The Water Treatment Plant includes several buildings with separate HVAC systems. In addition, the Water Treatment Plant operates two chiller systems to supply cooling water for the ozone disinfection process. Each of these systems requires regular inspections, preventive maintenance, and occasional repairs on an ongoing basis.
The City received bids from the following four (4) companies:
1) Metro Controls, Inc
2) North Star Refrigeration, Heating and Cooling Inc.
3) Pleune Service Company
4) Siemens
Upon evaluation, Pleune provided the most qualified staff for the most competitive price. It is therefore recommended that City Council approve the services agreement with Pleune Service Company to provide HVAC and chiller preventative and corrective maintenance services for FY18 through FY22.
The annual service contract is estimated to be $35,550.00 in years 1-3 and $35,827.50 in years 4 and 5, which includes an annual preventative maintenance cost of $5,550.00 (the annual preventative maintenance to $5,827.50 in Years 4 and 5 of the agreement) plus an annual available allowance for repairs of $30,000.00. The annual allowance for repairs is based on recent historical repair records and costs.
Pleune Service Company complies with the City’s Living Wage and Non-discrimination Ordinances.
These services are to be funded from the approved FY18 Water Supply System Operating Budget. Services for the FY19 through FY22 will be funded from the operating budgets for these fiscal years if so approved by Council.
Prepared by: Mike Switzenberg, WTSU Maintenance Supervisor
Reviewed by: Craig Hupy, Public Services Area Administrator
Approved by: Howard S. Lazarus, City Administrator
Whereas, The Water Treatment Plant solicited proposals for HVAC and chiller preventative and corrective maintenance service in RFP # 17-08;
Whereas, The Water Treatment Plant utilizes heating, ventilation and cooling (HVAC) equipment to maintain building temperatures and to cool ozone disinfection equipment;
Whereas, HVAC equipment requires regular inspection, preventive maintenance and occasional repair to continue providing reliable and efficient operation of water treatment system facilities;
Whereas, Of the four proposals received, Pleune Service Company is most qualified at the most competitive price, and
Whereas, Pleune Service Company complies with the City’s Living Wage and Non-discrimination Ordinances;
RESOLVED, That Council accepts the proposal and awards a services agreement to Pleune Service Company in the amount of $35,550.00 per year ($35,827.50 for years 4 and 5), for a total not-to-exceed amount of $178,405.00 for five years of services;
RESOLVED, That the City Administrator be directed to approve an execute the contract for services after approval as to form by the City Attorney; and
RESOLVED, That subject to the availability of funding in the FY19 through FY22 Water Supply System Operations and Maintenance Budgets the City Administrator be authorized to take the necessary administrative actions to implement this resolution.