Resolution Authorizing Membership in and Commitment to Washtenaw Health Initiative (WHI) 2018 Statement of Commitment (Charter) and Payment of Annual Membership Fee ($30,000.00)
Prepared by: Washtenaw Health Initiative
Reviewed by: Howard S. Lazarus, City Administrator
Whereas, The Washtenaw Health Initiative (WHI) is a voluntary, countywide collaboration of local leaders focused on improving health and healthcare in Washtenaw County with an emphasis on the low income, uninsured, and underinsured populations. The WHI brings together organizations to generate innovative ideas to improve health and healthcare in the county, identify and share information on gaps and opportunities, and coordinate and leverage resources;
Whereas, The Initiative’s recent successes include 1) facilitating a county-wide coalition to reduce overdoses and deaths related to opioid use, resulting in dozens of overturned overdoses each year, 2) reducing depression and anxiety symptoms among hundreds of patients in primary care settings, and 3) coordinating agencies conducting health care coverage enrollment, resulting in 11,023 Washtenaw County residents enrolled in Marketplace plans in 2018 and 18,136 Washtenaw County residents enrolled in the Healthy Michigan Plan as of September 2018;
Whereas, There are an estimated 613 Ann Arbor City residents eligible for Medicaid or the new Healthy Michigan Plan but who were uninsured in 2017;
Whereas, There are an estimated 817 Ann Arbor City residents eligible for tax credits to purchase coverage on the Health Insurance Marketplace but who were uninsured in 2017;
Whereas, Pursuing voluntary charter membership in the WHI is closely related to previous City efforts;
Whereas, It is advantageous for the City to continue as a voluntary member at this time to participate with a group on the forefront of recognizing and attempting to address current gaps that exist in the health care system, and as a way to participate with an organization committed to analyzing and preparing for changes that will occur in the County as provisions of federal health care reform take effect;
Whereas, Resolution R-15-374, Resolution Authorizing Membership in and Commitment to Washtenaw Health Initiative (WHI) Charter 2015 Statement of Commitment and Appropriation of Membership Fee ($10,000), directed funding for FY16, FY17, and FY18; and
Whereas, A membership fee of $10,000.00 in FY19 is budgeted in the City of Ann Arbor General Fund Non-Departmental Fund, and funding for a membership of $10,000.00 will be considered for each FY20 and FY21;
RESOLVED, That City Council hereby approve participation as a voluntary charter member of the Washtenaw Health Initiative (WHI) under its Statement of Commitment (Charter) from July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2021;
RESOLVED, That the Mayor is directed to execute said Charter on behalf of the City;
RESOLVED, That City Council approve payment of the required membership fee expenditure of $10,000.00 in FY19, which is budgeted in the General Fund Non-Departmental Fund fund balance; and
RESOLVED, That City Council approve payments of the required membership fee expenditure of $10,000.00 in both FY20 and FY21, subject to appropriation.