Resolution to Approve a Purchase Order to AmeriNet of Michigan, Inc. for the Purchase of Networking Equipment, Software and Related Services to Replace Legacy Data Center equipment and upgrade the City’s Data Center Network to a Fabric Connected Network ($106,569.35) (GSA Schedule IT 70 - GS-35F-0511T)
Attached for your review and action is a resolution approving a purchase order to AmeriNet of Michigan, Inc. in the amount of $106,569.35 to purchase the required networking equipment, software and related services to replace legacy Data Center equipment and upgrade the City’s Data Center network to a Fabric connected network.
AmeriNet of Michigan, Inc. continues to be the best source for provision of Extreme Networks hardware, maintenance and software support to the City. AmeriNet of Michigan, Inc. provides discounted pricing by Extreme Networks directly via GSA Schedule IT 70 - GS-35F-0511T.
Information Technology will replace the Data Center network equipment that has been in service for roughly 11 years and is at the end of its useful life. Information Technology normally replaces network equipment on a 5 to 7 year renewal schedule.
In addition to remediating legacy network equipment, technology built into the new network hardware will provide additional state-of-the-art security against unwanted attacks, be easier to manage and administer, will provide redundancy, and will better accommodate the Data Center for the replacement of the Storage Area Network (SAN) project currently underway.
Budget/Fiscal Impact: Funding is available in the approved FY 2022 Information Technology budget.
Prepared by: David Harris, Network Manager
Reviewed by: Tom Shewchuk, IT Director
Jennifer Richards, Assistant City Attorney
Approved by: John Fournier, Acting City Administrator
Whereas, AmeriNet of Michigan, Inc. extends discounted pricing to the City of Ann Arbor through GSA Schedule IT 70 - GS-35F-0511T and currently holds the City’s 3-year support and maintenance agreement of Extreme Networks network switches and software;
Whereas, Amerinet of Michigan, Inc. was named a Platinum Partner by Extreme Networks and designated a Best Source;
Whereas, Funding for the Data Center Fabric Network upgrade is available in the approved FY 2022 Information Technology Fund budget; and
Whereas, Amerinet of Michigan, Inc. complies with the requirements of the City’s Non-Discrimination and Living Wage ordinances<https://a2central.a2gov.org/resources/Documents/APP%20Documents/APP%20107%20-%20executed%205-10-18.pdf>
RESOLVED, That City Council approve a purchase order with AmeriNet of Michigan, Inc. for the purchase of the required networking equipment, software and related services to upgrade the City’s Data Center network to a Fabric connected network in the amount of $106,569.35 to be expended without regard to fiscal year; and
RESOLVED, That the City Administrator be authorized to take all necessary actions to implement this resolution regardless of fiscal year.