Resolution to Approve a General Services Agreement with LGC Global Energy FM, LLC for Janitorial Services at the Ann Arbor Municipal Center, Wheeler Service Center, Water Treatment Plant, and Various Parks Locations ($1,140,000.00) RFP #23-28
We recommend your approval of the attached resolution authorizing a three-year contract in an amount not to exceed $1,140,000.00 with LGC Global Energy FM, LLC, for janitorial services at the following locations:
AA Municipal Center |
Cleaned 5 days per week |
Wheeler Service Center |
Cleaned 5 days per week |
Water Treatment Plant |
Cleaned 5 days per week |
Veterans Memorial Park |
Cleaned 7 days per week |
Farmers Market |
Cleaned 1-3 days per week (depending on the season) |
AA Senior Center |
Cleaned 4 days per week |
Buhr Park |
Cleaned 7 days per week |
NAP House |
Cleaned 1 day per week |
The RFP included three additional facilities (Cobblestone Farm, Mack Pool, and Fuller Pool) that were removed from the award at the request of Park’s personnel. The contract will start on July 1, 2023 and run thru June 30, 2026. A purchase order would be authorized in an annual amount not to exceed $380,000.00 for FY24, FY25 and FY26, subject to the availability of funding in FY25 and FY26.
The resolution also authorizes an option to extend the agreement with LGC Global Energy FM, LLC for up to two additional one-year periods upon approval by the City Administrator. The not to exceed amount for FY27 would be $398,000.00, and in an amount not to exceed $418,000.00 for FY28 for a total amount not to exceed $1,956,000.00 over the life of the agreement including all extensions, with the same terms and conditions subject to the annual appropriation of funds.
Bids were solicited for Janitorial Services through RFP #23-28 issued by the City and opened on May 18, 2023. Of the eight responses received, LGC Global Energy FM, LLC, MI, was selected as the most responsive proposal to the RFP.
Budget/Fiscal Impact: Funding for these services is included in the FY24 Operations and Maintenance Budgets of the Unit’s receiving services. Issuance of the FY25 and FY26 purchase orders and any approved extension for FY27 and FY28 would be subject to the availability of funds in subsequent fiscal years.
LGC Global Energy FM, LLC has submitted all required Non-discrimination, Living Wage, and Conflict of Interest forms and complies with the requirements of the City’s Non-Discrimination and Living Wage ordinances.
Prepared by: Matthew J. Kulhanek, Fleet and Facilities Unit Manager
Reviewed by: John Fournier, Deputy City Administrator
Approved by: Milton Dohoney Jr., City Administrator
Whereas, Janitorial services are needed at the Ann Arbor Municipal Center, Wheeler Service Center, Water Treatment Plant and at various Park buildings;
Whereas, LGC Global Energy FM, LLC provided the most responsive proposal for Janitorial Services at Various City Facilities solicited through RFP #23-28 in May 2023;
Whereas, The Fleet and Facilities Unit recommends approval of a three-year General Services Agreement with LGC Global Energy FM, LLC, with the option to extend the agreement for up to two additional one-year periods under the same terms and conditions, with the rates adjusted as provided in the RFP fee proposal form;
Whereas, Funding for these services is available in the FY24 Operations and Maintenance Budgets of the Unit’s receiving services and future years, if so approved by Council; and
Whereas, LGC Global Energy FM, LLC complies with the City’s Living Wage and Non-Discrimination ordinances;
RESOLVED, That City Council approve a three-year General Services Agreement with with LGC Global Energy FM, LLC, in an annual amount of not to exceed $380,000.00 for FY24, FY25 and FY26 for Janitorial Services at the Ann Arbor Municipal Center, Wheeler Service Center, Water Treatment Plant, and Various Parks Locations (RFP #23-28);
RESOLVED, That the agreement includes the option to extend the term for up to two additional one-year periods at the rates provided in the RFP fee proposal form upon approval by the City Administrator, for a total not to exceed $1,956,000.00 over the life of the agreement including extensions;
RESOLVED, That the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized and directed to execute said agreement after approval as to substance by the City Administrator and approval as to form by the City Attorney, and that the City Administrator be authorized to execute the extensions after approval as to form by the City Attorney; and
RESOLVED, That the City Administrator be authorized to take all necessary actions to implement this resolution.