Resolution Authorizing the City Administrator to Allocate up to $89,040 for the 2015-16 Winter Emergency Shelter and Warming Center Response (8 Votes Required)
Attached for your consideration and approval is a request to authorize the City Administrator to allocate up to $89,040.00 for a winter emergency shelter and warming center for Fiscal Year 15-16 and consider annual funding thereafter in response to the need to accommodate the demand for safe and warm space for vulnerable residents impacted by homelessness during emergency weather conditions.
Budget Impact:
Funding for this effort was not budgeted for FY2016, so a one-time use of fund balance is required if approved. If Council desires to fund this effort on a recurring basis, recurring revenues should be identified during the budget development process for future years. If future appropriations are made, staff recommends incorporating this appropriation as a directed distribution through Community Development (and potentially in future years through the established coordinated funding process).
Prepared by: Brett Lenart, Interim Director, Community and Economic Development Services
Reviewed by: Sumedh Bahl, Community Services Area Administrator
Whereas, The 2013-14 winter season was particularly brutal for Washtenaw County residents - and no more so for those most vulnerable residents struggling with homelessness;
Whereas, The local sheltering system was stretched beyond capacity to accommodate the overwhelming demand for safe, warm space during the near-constant emergency weather conditions;
Whereas, The Office of Community & Economic Development - on behalf of the City of Ann Arbor, Washtenaw County, and the local Continuum of Care Board - and the Washtenaw Housing Alliance convened a Winter Emergency Shelter/Warming Center Response work group in the fall of 2014;
Whereas, The workgroup proceeded to review the scope of the problem, surface and evaluate a set of possible solutions, and explore a variety of community partnerships and funding sources;
Whereas, the effort resulted in an improved, better planned, and efficiently coordinated response in the 2014-2015 Winter;
Whereas, the City of Ann Arbor and Washtenaw County each committed up to half of the total cost of recommendations for the 2014-2015 Winter;
Whereas, It is requested that the City and the County each commit to providing up to 50% of the total cost for this approach for the 2015-16 Winter and consider future funding annually thereafter.
RESOLVED, That City Council hereby amends the FY2016 General Fund budget to increase Community Development expenditures for a one-time expenditure by $89,040.00 to be funded by the General Fund fund balance and appropriates this funding for the purpose of supporting the 2015-16 winter emergency shelter and warming center response; and
RESOLVED, That this hereby authorizes the City Administrator to sign necessary contract documents upon review and approval of the City Attorney.
Sponsored by: Councilmember Briere