Resolution to Adopt the Ann Arbor Moving Together Towards Vision Zero - City of Ann Arbor Comprehensive Transportation Plan (Adopted and Recommended by the CPC on April 20, 2021 - 9 Yeas, 0 Nays)
Chapter 8 of the City Code directs that the Planning Commission to prepare and adopt, and the City Council to adopt a master plan for the development of the City. Consistent with these regulations and the Michigan Planning Enabling Act, the City has developed the Ann Arbor Moving Together Towards Vision Zero - City of Ann Arbor Comprehensive Transportation Plan (the “Plan”)
Additionally, Chapter 8 and the Michigan Planning Enabling Act prescribe the procedures for adoption of the Master Plan. If approved, this Plan would be added to the following documents which, in total, would constitute the City’s Master Plan:
• Sustainability Framework (2013)
• Land Use Element (2009) including State Street Corridor Plan (2013)
• Downtown Plan (2009)
• Parks and Recreation Open Space Plan (2016)
• Natural Features Master Plan (2004)
• Treeline Allen Creek Urban Trail Master Plan (2018)
The City Council’s consideration of Plan adoption has been preceded by the following:
1. After preparation of the Plan, the Planning Commission submitted the Plan to the City Council for review and comment on December 1, 2020.
2. On January 4, 2021, the City Council authorized the distribution of the Plan to neighboring jurisdictions and applicable agencies for a 63 day comment period on the proposed Plan. A summary of the comments received and City responses are provided here:
3. On April 20, 2021, the Transportation Commission recommend adoption of the Plan and the Planning Commission adopted and recommended the same to the City Council.
Now, the City Council may approve or reject the Plan.
The Plan development was led by the City Engineering Department, Sam Schwartz, and AECOM. The development plan included a Technical Advisory Committee, comprised of other City departments and transportation agency stakeholders provided guidance, input, and direction through the process of development. A Community Advisory Committee was also established to provide feedback on plan development, and specifically, strategies to engage with the public over the course of the project.
Through discovery, ideation, and action plan phases, the Plan reflects:
• The opportunities and challenges regarding transportation in the City.
• Development of transportation goals, and the ideas for projects, policies, and programs to achieve them.
• The organization and prioritization of actions, including timeframes, responsible entities, and potential resource needs.
The Plan, resulting from a robust community engagement process, sets forth the following goals for the City of Ann Arbor transportation systems:
1. Vision Zero: By 2025, we have eliminated fatalities and serious injuries resulting from traffic crashes.
2. Carbon Neutrality: By 2030, we have transitioned to a carbon-neutral transportation system.
From these goals, the Plan establishes five “Mobility Values”, that spur, organize, and provide measurement for the City’s success in reaching our transportation goals:
1. Safety - Ann Arbor is a safe city where everyone participates in creating an environment in which people feel confident and comfortable traveling.
2. Mobility - Ann Arbor prioritizes moving people and goods efficiently; making it easier for people to choose sustainable modes of transportation.
3. Accessibility for All - In Ann Arbor, people of all abilities, ages, and stages of life, income, race, cultures and ethnicities have equitable access to the places where they live, work and play.
4. Healthy People & Sustainable Places - Ann Arbor’s transportation system supports a healthy population, sustainable environment, and robust economy, while celebrating and enhancing a unique quality of place.
5. Regional Connectivity - Ann Arbor prioritizes moving people and goods efficiently; making it easier for people to choose sustainable modes of transportation.
The Plan proceeds to apply these goals and values, through the development of 22 distinct and specific mobility strategies to achieve the City’s transportation goals. These strategies incorporate policy decisions, advocacy direction, educational opportunities, and specific tools/treatments/approaches that can be considered for the City to advance its transportation goals and be faithful to the Goals and Values prescribed in the Plan
The resolution presented would adopt the Plan in accordance with local and State guidelines, and would explicitly repeal and replace previously adopted transportation plans.
Plan and Resources Website: <https://www.a2gov.org/departments/engineering/Pages/Ann-Arbor-Moving-Together-Towards-Vision-Zero.aspx>
Prepared by: Brett Lenart, Planning Manager
Eli Cooper, Transportation Program Manager
Reviewed by: Derek Delacourt, Community Services Area Administrator
Approved by: Tom Crawford, City Administrator
Whereas, In 2018, the City allocated resources and initiated work to update the City’s transportation plan;
Whereas, The City selected the consultant team of Sam Schwartz and AECOM to assist the City in this work;
Whereas, The City Engineering Department led the project, with assistance of the public, community stakeholders, and City staff;
Whereas, The plan incorporated numerous and extensive public engagement opportunities to identify conditions, goals, and recommended implementation measures;
Whereas, The resulting plan, Ann Arbor Moving Togethers Towards Vision Zero - City of Ann Arbor Comprehensive Transportation Plan (the “Plan”) was developed and shared with the public in early 2021;
Whereas, On April 20, 2021 the City of Ann Arbor Transportation Commission recommend that the Planning Commission and City Council adopt the Plan; and
Whereas, On April 20, 2021, the City of Ann Arbor Planning Commission adopted the Plan and further recommended that the City Council adopt the Plan;
RESOLVED, That the City Council adopt the Ann Arbor Moving Together Towards Vision Zero - City of Ann Arbor Comprehensive Transportation Plan as a component of the City’s Master Plan; and
RESOLVED, That The Ann Arbor Transportation Plan - 2009 and Non-Motorized Transportation Plan (2007) and Update (2013) is hereby repealed and replaced by the Plan.