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File #: 25-0499    Version: 1 Name: 3/17/25 Approve Contract w/Michigan Recreational Construction for Bicentennial Park Splash Pad and Playground Improvements
Type: Resolution Status: Passed
File created: 3/17/2025 In control: City Council
On agenda: 3/17/2025 Final action: 3/17/2025
Enactment date: 3/17/2025 Enactment #: R-25-076
Title: Resolution to Approve a Construction Contract with Michigan Recreational Construction, Inc. for Phase 1A of the Bicentennial Park Splash Pad and Playground Improvements Project and to Appropriate Funds ($1,270,322.00) (8 Votes Required)
Attachments: 1. Bicentennial Park_Phase 1A_MRC Construction Agreement.pdf


Resolution to Approve a Construction Contract with Michigan Recreational Construction, Inc. for Phase 1A of the Bicentennial Park Splash Pad and Playground Improvements Project and to Appropriate Funds ($1,270,322.00) (8 Votes Required)


Attached for your review and approval, please find a resolution to approve a construction contract with Michigan Recreational Construction, Inc. (MRC) in the amount of $1,270,322.00 for Phase 1A of the Bicentennial Park Splash Pad and Playground Improvements Project.


On September 18, 2023, City Council approved the renaming and dedication of Southeast Area Park to Bicentennial Park. To commemorate Ann Arbor’s Bicentennial, Bicentennial Park will undergo several significant improvements through the Bicentennial Park Splash Pad and Playground Improvements Project including installation of the City’s first splash pad. Additional Project improvements will include the replacement of the existing play structure, swings, associated surfacing, and renovations to the existing pavilion and restrooms.


In line with the City of Ann Arbor's commitment to sustainability, the Bicentennial Park splash pad will utilize a recirculation system instead of a flow-through system. A recirculation system treats and reuses water, similar to how swimming pools operate, whereas a flow-through system uses potable water that is discharged as stormwater. For a splash pad of this size, a flow-through system would consume 10 to 15 million gallons of water over the operating season, while the selected recirculation system is estimated to use only 10,000 to 20,000 gallons. Although this decision increases both cost and limits contractor options, it aligns with the City’s sustainability goals. Additionally, solar panels will be installed in a separate project to power the splash pad, restrooms, pavilion, and park lighting.


City Council previously approved the purchase of splash pad and playground equipment for Bicentennial Park from Penchura, LLC, on January 22, 2024 (R-24-027). The equipment has been purchased, delivered, and is currently stored at the Wheeler Service Center, awaiting installation.


Construction of this Project will be completed in two phases due to the lack of available funding for the entire project cost.


The construction contract with Michigan Recreational Construction, Inc. (MRC) in the amount of $1,270,322.00 covers Phase 1A of the project which includes the installation of the splashpad, replacement of the playground equipment and swings, restroom renovations, and enlargement of the detention basin, and this work can commence as soon as the contract is executed.


Phase 1B of the project will include construction of concrete curbs and sidewalks, seeding of the bioretention basin, installation shade sails, and restoration of the site due to construction activities, and Phase 1B will be constructed separately after funding is available and after Council approval of a change order for Phase 1B.


City staff recommend MRC based on a best source procurement justification due to the specialized nature of splash pad construction. The equipment manufacturer provided required qualifications for installation, which limited the pool of qualified contractors. Additionally, the City of Ann Arbor has chosen to install a recirculation splash pad system, which requires additional expertise for successful installation. MRC has completed over 67 splash pads, including 15 recirculation systems, and has a strong history with Ann Arbor Parks and Recreation, having worked on major projects, such as the Universal Access Playground at Gallup Park and the Nature Playscapes at Leslie Science and Nature Center, and Allmendinger Park. While Parks and Recreation currently has a standing contract with MRC for playground services, this project is outside the scope of that agreement.


Budget/Fiscal Impact: Funding for this contract is sourced from state earmarks, private donations, and Parks Memorials and Contributions Fund developer contributions. The State of Michigan has earmarked $1 million for the Bicentennial Park improvements, of which $242,335.00 will be spent on this contract, and additional funds have been received from organizations such as the University of Michigan and the Rotary Club of Ann Arbor, along with donations from individual community members. Funding for Phase 1A has been secured. Staff is continuing fundraising efforts for the second phase, which will commence once funding becomes available.


The Park Advisory Commission unanimously recommended approval of this contract at their September 17, 2024 meeting.


Prepared by:                      Adam Fercho, Park Planner and Landscape Architect

Reviewed by:                     Josh Landefeld, Parks & Recreation Services Manager

                     Derek Delacourt, Community Services Area Administrator

Approved by:                     Milton Dohoney Jr., City Administrator


Whereas, City Council approved the renaming and dedication of Southeast Area Park to Bicentennial Park on September 18, 2023;


Whereas, Bicentennial Park will undergo a series of improvements, including the installation of the City’s first splash pad, replacement of the existing play structure, swings, associated surfacing, and renovations to the pavilion and restrooms;


Whereas, The Bicentennial Park splash pad has been designed as a recirculation system, aligning with sustainability goals;


Whereas, City Council approved the purchase of splash pad and playground equipment for Bicentennial Park from Penchura, LLC, on January 22, 2024 (R-24-027);


Whereas, Construction of the Bicentennial Park Splash Pad and Playground Improvements Project will proceed in two phases;


Whereas, Funding for construction of Phase 1A of the project is available through grant dollars, private donations and the Parks Memorials and Contributions Fund developer contributions, and Phase 1B will proceed after funding becomes available;


Whereas, Michigan Recreational Construction, Inc. is recommended by City staff through a best source procurement justification, based on its specialized experience with splash pad installations, particularly recirculation systems, and a proven track record of successful projects with Ann Arbor parks;


Whereas, It is time to enter into a construction contract with Michigan Recreation Construction, Inc. in the amount of $1,270,322.00 for Phase 1A of the Bicentennial Park Splash Pad and Playground Improvements Project;


Whereas, Michigan Recreational Construction, Inc. complies with the City's Non-Discrimination and Living Wage ordinances; and


Whereas, The Park Advisory Commission unanimously recommended approval of this contract at their September 17, 2024 meeting;


RESOLVED, That City Council approves a construction contract with Michigan Recreational Construction, Inc. in the amount of $1,270,322.00 for Phase 1A of the Bicentennial Park Splash Pad and Playground Improvements Project;


RESOLVED, That a 10% construction contingency of $127,032.00, be established within the project budget to cover potential contract change orders for the life of the project without regard to fiscal year and that the City Administrator is authorized to approve additional change orders to the construction contract with Michigan Recreational Construction, Inc. not to exceed the contingency amount in order to satisfactorily complete this project;


RESOLVED, That $354,517.00 be appropriated to the FY25 General Fund Parks and Recreation expenditure budget with the source of revenue being donations received for the Bicentennial Park project;


RESOLVED, That $573,470.00 be appropriated from the fund balance of the Parks Memorials and Contributions Fund to the FY25 Parks Memorials and Contributions Fund expenditure budget;


RESOLVED, That $100,000.00 of the FY25 General Fund Parks and Recreation expenditure budget previously appropriated for Bicentennial Park be made available without regard to fiscal year;


RESOLVED, That all amounts herein are without regard to fiscal year;


RESOLVED, That the Mayor and City Clerk are authorized and directed to execute the contract after approval as to substance by the City Administrator and approval as to form by the City Attorney; and


RESOLVED, That the City Administrator is authorized to take necessary administrative actions to implement this resolution, including issuing temporary and permanent Traffic Control Orders and night work authorizations as required for the construction of the project.