An Ordinance to Amend Sections 9:101, 9:103, 9:105, 9:109 of Chapter 111 (Fire Prevention) of Title IX of the City Code of Ordinances
Staff recommends an amendment to Sections 9:101, 9:103, 9:105, 9:109 regarding adoption of the International Fire Code, 2021 edition, found in Chapter 111, Title IX of the City Code. We are currently operating under the 2015 International Fire Code (IFC), which is in alignment with the 2015 Michigan Building Code. The 2021 Michigan Building Code is scheduled to take effect on April 9, 2025. Congruence between the building code and fire code is advantageous. Below are some key enhancements from the 2015 International Fire Code (IFC) to the 2021 International Fire Code (IFC):
1. Enhanced Fire Safety Standards
a. Increased requirements for carbon monoxide detection in certain occupancies.
b. Stricter provisions for fire safety in high-rise buildings and mixed-use structures.
2. Emerging Technologies & Fire Protection Systems
a. Expanded requirements for energy storage systems (ESS) to address fire risks from lithium-ion batteries.
b. Updates to fire alarm and emergency communication systems to integrate new technologies.
3. Hazardous Materials & Storage Regulations
a. New storage and handling guidelines for flammable refrigerants used in modern HVAC systems.
b. Enhanced fire protection requirements for hazardous material storage and use in industrial settings.
4. Egress & Occupant Safety Improvements
a. Expanded provisions for exit signage and lighting in larger commercial and assembly occupancies.
b. Improved door-locking and security measures for schools and businesses to balance fire safety with security concerns.
5. Updates for Alternative Energy & Sustainable Building Practices
a. New requirements for solar panel installations, including fire department access and system shutoff capabilities.
b. Strengthened guidelines for green building materials and insulation to mitigate fire hazards.
6. Clarifications & Code Enforcement Improvements
a. Revised language for fire official authority and enforcement procedures to reduce ambiguity.
b. Updates to inspection, testing, and maintenance requirements for fire protection systems.
Transitioning to the 2021 International Fire Code is a necessary step to enhance fire protection, maintain compliance with industry advancements, and improve public safety. We recommend adopting this updated code to ensure our fire safety regulations remain current and effective.
Budget/Fiscal Impact: The proposed changes to Chapter 111 of Title will not have fiscal or staffing impacts.
Prepared by: Mike Kennedy, Fire Chief
Reviewed by: Michelle Landis, Senior Assistant City Attorney
Approved by: Milton Dohoney Jr., City Administrator
(See Attached Ordinance)