An Ordinance to Amend Chapter 55 (Zoning), Rezoning of 0.19 Acres from R4C (Multiple-Family Dwelling District) to PUD (Planned Unit Development District), 530 N. Division Street Zoning and Supplemental Regulations (CPC Recommendation: Approval - 8 Yeas and 0 Nays) (ORD-23-01)
Approval of this ordinance will zone this property PUD (Planned Unit Development) to allow a three-story residential structure containing four units. Approval of this ordinance will also create supplemental regulations for the new PUD district. Supplemental regulations create the standards and requirements, as well as regulating the uses, for the corresponding PUD District.
A proposal to rezone a 0.19-acre site from R4C (Multiple-Family Dwelling District) to PUD (Planned Unit Development), and to construct a 9,956 square foot residential building with 6 vehicle carport parking spaces at the eastern edge of the site. The site plan proposes 4 residential units totaling 24 bedrooms in a single building.
Petition Summary:
• An area plan, or site plan is required when an amendment to the City Zoning Map is proposed [Chapter 55 5.29.7]. In this case, the petitioner has proposed amending the City Zoning Map from R4C to PUD, Planned Unit Development District with a site plan. The site plan will be presented for approval with the second reading of the zoning.
• The site plan proposes a primarily three-story, 9,956- square foot residential building totaling 24 bedrooms with 6 carport parking spaces with two EV-I (Installed) and four EV-C (Capable) stations.
• The rezoning of this parcel from R4C to PUD zoning accomplishes many goals identified in the City’s Master Plan and supporting documents. The existing land use recommendation designates the site for residential use. The proposed petition does accomplish several Goals, Objectives, and Action Statements in the City’s Master Plan:
o To protect, preserve, and enhance the character, scale and integrity of existing housing in established residential areas. The existing house is a non-contributing structure in the Old Fourth Ward Historic District and received approval from the Historic District Commission.
o The building is designed to be net positive in energy and carbon neutral. The proposal is will be a model for the 2030 initiative as a net positive energy, carbon positive building.
o Activation of the ground floor street level through a reduced front setback and front patio.
Chapter Five (Land Use) of the Master Plan: Land Use Element identifies key issues the City wishes to address with new development. This site is also located on a transit route, and sidewalks are existing on both sides of the street.
Chapter Five (Land Use) also describes Land Use Goals, Objectives and Action Statements. The 530 N. Division Street petition addresses several of the Goals of the Central Area:
• Goal A - To promote sound and attractive residential neighborhoods which meet the housing needs of the current and future population, which are adequately served by urban services, infrastructure and facilities and which conserve environmental quality.
o Objective 1: To protect, preserve and enhance the character, scale and integrity of existing housing in established residential areas, recognizing the distinctive qualities of each neighborhood.
o Objective 4: To encourage the development of new architecture, and modifications to existing architecture, that complements the scale and character of the neighborhood.
This project provides the same number of units with an increase in the number of bedrooms and was reviewed and approved by the Historic District Commission
o Objective 5: To develop density thresholds for each neighborhood that are appropriate in relation to the character, available services and infrastructure of the neighborhood, and in accordance with the norms of the neighborhood, resulting in improved quality of life for all residents.
The building is designed to fit in the historic neighborhood while being net positive in energy and carbon-neutral. This project will be a model for the 2030 initiative as a net positive energy, carbon positive building.
o Objective 11: To improve the appearance of buildings and grounds to enhance the neighborhoods, encouraging property maintenance and improvement to promote pride in the community.
Public Benefits provided by the project include:
• Four residential units will expand the density from 10 bedrooms to 24 bedrooms.
• This project as designed has beneficial effects for every group it touches - tenants, neighborhood, the City of Ann Arbor, utilities, builders, students, developers and the public at large. This will be a highly visible big step forward in a sustainable building.
• This development is all-electric and therefore the natural gas supply to the property will be removed.
• Reduced front setback to bring the building closer to the street with an active patio use proposed adjacent to the public sidewalk.
• A solar carport will cover the six spots along with roof-top solar making approximately two-thirds of the solar energy needed to power the house. Two parking spots will come with electric car chargers and the remaining four will be pre-wired for future chargers.
The Planning Commission raised the following issues, which were addressed by the petitioner and staff as described:
• Adjusted the front setbacks to a minimum of 10 feet and a maximum of 25 feet.
• Updated the Supplemental Regulations to include no natural gas connection may be maintained or established for heating, cooling, ventilation, or appliance use.
• The structure shall meet passive house (PHIUS) zero standards at the time the Certificate of Occupancy is issued.
The City Planning Commission, at its meeting of November 15, 2022, recommended approval of this request.
Attachments: 11/15/22 Supplemental Regulations
11/15/22 Planning Staff Report and 11/15/22 Planning Commission Minutes
Prepared By: Chris Cheng, City Planner
Reviewed By: Brett Lenart, Planning Manager
Derek Delacourt, Community Services Area Administrator
Approved By: Milton Dohoney Jr., City Administrator
(See Attached Ordinance)