Resolution No. 1 - Prepare Plans and Specifications for the Proposed Barton Drive Resurfacing Project’s Sidewalk Gap Portion- Special Assessment (District #55), and Appropriate $25,000.00 from the General Fund Balance for the Design of the Project (8 Votes Required)
Approval of the attached resolution directs staff to prepare plans, specifications, and cost estimates to fill sidewalk gaps, and possibly install new curb and gutter, along the north side of Barton Drive from M-14 ramp to Starwick Drive as a special assessment project.
Barton Drive currently has 22 parcels with sidewalk gaps between M-14 Ramp and Starwick Drive. The original scope of the project included filling sidewalk gaps between Brede Place and Pontiac Trail. Staff has since (June 2019; see attached) received a petition from two adjacent property owners to fill sidewalk gaps from M-14 ramp to 221 Barton Drive. As part of this project, staff will also consider constructing sidewalk between 221 Barton Drive and Brede Place in order to fully connect these two segments.
Improvements to the Barton/Starwick intersection were requested and discussed during the STEAM Safe Routes to School Project, and staff told residents that these improvements would be included in this Barton Drive Resurfacing Project. Sidewalk gaps at that intersection were originally planned to be constructed as part of the STEAM project, however will now be considered as part of this project instead.
In accordance with the City’s Non-Motorized Plan (north side of Barton Drive from M14-Ramp to Northside Avenue in listed as a “near-term opportunity”) and Complete Streets approach, it is proposed to install a new sidewalk to fill these gaps and provide continuous pedestrian connections at these locations. The construction of the sidewalk will also likely require the removal of some trees, necessitate temporary grading permits, require the relocation of DTE utility poles, and possible curb and gutter installation for drainage purposes. The extent of any of these requirements to install sidewalk is not fully determined at this time and will be further explored during the engineering design and public engagement phase of the project.
The full project scope also includes:
• Resurfacing of Barton Drive from M-14 ramp to Pontiac;
• Water main replacement from Northside Avenue to Pontiac;
• Intersection improvements at Chandler and Barton;
• Intersection improvements at Starwick and Barton;
• Possible curb & gutter to control storm runoff (if necessary);
• Sanitary sewer extension to serve three parcels on the westerly end of the project;
• Sidewalks and crosswalks in accordance with the City’s Complete Streets Policy.
The City Code provides that the cost for first time sidewalk infrastructure be borne by the parcels that benefit from it. A preliminary planning-level cost estimate performed by City staff estimates the cost of the sidewalk portion of this project to be approximately $235,000.00. The attached resolution directs staff to provide and share detailed cost estimates for this work, and establish the composition of the special assessment district.
If authorized to undertake this work, staff will reach out to affected residents and stakeholders to conduct a thorough public engagement effort. Following those meetings and further development of the engineering design, staff will return to Council with Resolutions 2 and 3, which define the individual costs to each parcel and establish a Public Hearing Date.
Below is a tentative schedule for the project:
July 15, 2019: Council Meeting - Resolution 1
September 2019: Public Meeting/Workshop about Project
September/October 2019: Presentation to Transportation Commission
November 2019: Administrative Hearing Meeting for sidewalk assessments
December 16, 2019: Council Meeting - Resolution 2
February 7, 2020: Bid Opening
February 17, 2020: Resolution 3
March 23, 2020: Public Hearing & Resolution 4
April/May 2020: Begin construction
Budget Impact: The various components of the Barton Drive Improvements Project are included in the 2020-2025 Capital Improvements Plan (Project Numbers UT-WS-18-53 & UT-SC-18-03 & UT-SN-16-08).
While the sidewalk and possible curb and gutter elements of this project will ultimately be paid partially through special assessment, the City must fund the cost of designing and constructing the project until the assessed amounts are recovered. The attached resolution appropriates $25,000.00 from the General Fund fund balance to fund the design and public engagement for the sidewalk and possible curb and gutter portion of the project. Should the project advance to the construction phase, the non-assessable portions of this work would be paid for from the Street, Bridge and Sidewalk Millage.
Prepared by: Nicholas Hutchinson, P.E., City Engineer
Reviewed by: Craig Hupy, Public Services Area Administrator
Approved by: Howard S. Lazarus, City Administrator
Whereas, Council deems it appropriate to construct new sidewalks as part of the Barton Drive Improvements Project, which will consist of:
The installation of new sidewalk and possibly curb & gutter, in places where it does not currently exist, on the north side of Barton Drive from the M-14 ramp to Starwick Drive;
RESOLVED, The City Administrator be directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement project, and an estimate of the cost thereof;
RESOLVED, City Council appropriates $25,000.00 from the General Fund fund balance to be transferred to the existing Barton Drive Improvements project; thereby increasing the project revenue and expenditure budgets, for purposing of funding the design and public engagement for the sidewalk and possible curb and gutter portion of the said project;
RESOLED, That the funding shall remain available without regard to fiscal year;
RESOLVED, The City Administrator be directed to file a report of same with the City Clerk, including a recommendation as to what proportion of the cost should be paid by special assessment and what part, if any, should be a general obligation of the City, the number of installments in which the assessments may be paid, and the land which should be included in the special assessment district; and
RESOLVED, The City Clerk shall present said report to the Council and make it available for public examination.