Resolution in Support of the Existing EPA Passenger Car Corporate Fuel Economy Standards (CAFÉ Standards)
Prepared by: Josh MacDonald, Sustainability Analyst
Reviewed by: Missy Stults, Sustainability and Innovations Manager
Whereas, In December 2012, with the adoption of the Climate Action Plan (“CAP”), the City Council committed to an ambitious multi-strategy vision to address Climate Change and mitigate its far-reaching negative impacts by reducing its community-wide greenhouse gas (“GHG”) emissions (8% by 2015, 25% by 2025, and 90% by 2050, relative to year-2000 baseline carbon dioxide equivalent (“CO2e”) emissions levels);
Whereas, City Council unanimously reaffirmed its commitment to climate action by adopting its Resolution Committing the City of Ann Arbor to Adopt, Honor and Uphold Paris Climate Agreement Goals (Resolution R-17-238);
Whereas, Mayor Christopher Taylor endorsed and signed onto the Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy and U.S. Climate Mayors initiatives;
Whereas, An update of community-wide GHG emissions completed in 2017 showed that while Ann Arbor achieved its 2015 CAP target, transportation sector emissions increased from approximately 432,000 MT CO2e, or 24% of total community-wide emissions in 2000, to 455,000 MT CO2e or 30% of the total in 2015;
Whereas, Current EPA Passenger Car GHG / Corporate Average Fuel Economy (“CAFÉ”) Standards (henceforth “Standards”) were implemented in 2012, and the United Auto Workers and all major automakers, except Volkswagen and Daimler, supported their implementation;
Whereas, The Standards have sparked significant vehicle technological improvements, resulting in nationwide emissions reductions of approximately 260M MTCO2e and savings of approximately $54 B in consumer gasoline expenditures from year 2012 to the present (the equivalent of $2-3 per $1 in additional vehicle cost);
Whereas, Since the Standards took effect, North American vehicle sales have risen to record levels and automakers profits are strong;
Whereas, There are multiple indications the Trump Administration, over the objections of EPA career staff, is considering a six-year ‘freeze’ of 2020 Standards through 2026;
Whereas, Such a freeze would negatively impact Ann Arbor’s ability to meet its 2025 CAP target and thus negatively impact local ecosystems, economic development, public health and climate-related property losses.
RESOLVED, That the Energy Commission requests City Council to formally support the maintenance of the current EPA Passenger Car CAFE Standards, including by directing the Mayor and City Administrator to communicate this support to Ann Arbor’s members of Congress, automotive Original Equipment Manufacturers with operations in the State of Michigan, the United Auto Workers, the US EPA, the US Office of Management and Budget, and the US Department of Transportation.
Sponsored by: Councilmember Eaton