Resolution to Award a Construction Contract to Douglas N. Higgins, Inc. ($397,059.00) for the Village Oaks/Chaucer Court Storm Sewer Overflow Project (Bid No. ITB-4541)
Attached for your review and approval is a resolution to award a construction contract to Douglas N. Higgins, Inc. in the amount of $397,059.00 for the Village Oaks/Chaucer Court Emergency Storm Sewer Overflow Project.
During certain storm events, since the 1980s, the area between the west boundary of the Village Oaks Subdivision and the east boundary of the Landsdowne Subdivision near Chaucer Court has experienced backyard and basement flooding. A relief sewer was constructed in 1991 to address this area, but flooding problems persist.
In 2010, Resolution R-10-365 was adopted by Council for a drainage study for this neighborhood. The study was to define the tributary area, assess existing conditions, evaluate alternatives and make recommendations to alleviate the flooding. A key component of the study involved working collaboratively with impacted residents. Key findings and recommendations from the study, and their current statuses, include:
1. Construction of a regional stormwater detention basin to collect, detain, and then slowly release stormwater from the upstream watershed. Status: the City entered an agreement with the developer of 2250 Ann-Arbor Saline Road for construction of the basin, which should begin soon.
2. Field investigation revealed a number of outlet restrictors were missing on the existing upstream detention basins. Status: The missing restrictors have been re-installed in these upstream detention basins.
3. Identification of the need for additional catch basins in a few street intersections.
Status: Catch basins have been added at these locations.
4. Lack of an emergency stormwater overflow for the Village Oaks Subdivision. Status: incomplete.
This contract is for construction of the needed emergency overflow identified in item #4 above. Project plans and specifications were distributed electronically to contractors, subcontractors, and suppliers through the City of Ann Arbor’s procurement website and MITN.info. Four bids were received and opened on May 30, 2018. The lowest responsible bid, from Douglas N. Higgins, Inc., in the amount of $397,059.00 is approximately 12% above the Engineer’s Estimate. Attached is a summary of the bids received for the project.
Douglas N. Higgins, Inc. has submitted all required Non-Discrimination, Prevailing Wage, Living Wage, and Conflict of Interest Disclosure forms and complies with the requirements of the City’s Non-Discrimination and Living Wage ordinances.
Construction is scheduled to begin in October and be completed in November of 2018.
Budget/Fiscal Impact
Work for this project is included in the Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) as: Village Oaks/Chaucer Court Emergency Storm Sewer Overflow Project (UT-ST-14-01). Funding for the project is included in the approved capital budget for the Storm Sewer System.
Prepared by: Nicholas Hutchinson, P.E., City Engineer
Reviewed by: Craig Hupy, Public Services Area Administrator
Approved by: Howard Lazarus, City Administrator
Whereas, Increased emergency stormwater overflow for the Village Oaks Subdivision would be beneficial;
Whereas, The Village Oaks/Chaucer Court Emergency Storm Sewer Overflow Project will help to address this issue, and is identified in the current Capital Improvements Plan (CIP);
Whereas, Funding for this project is included in the Storm Sewer System approved capital budget;
Whereas, Competitive bids were received by Procurement on May 30, 2018 (ITB-4541) and Douglas N. Higgins, Inc. was the low responsible bidder with a submitted bid of $397,059.00;
Whereas, the contractual proposal sets forth the services to be performed by said company, and the payments to be made by the City there for, all of which are agreeable to the City;
Whereas, It is now necessary to enter into a Contract with said company for this construction project; and
Whereas, Douglas N. Higgins, Inc. has submitted all required Non-Discrimination, Prevailing Wage, Living Wage, and Conflict of Interest Disclosure forms and complies with the requirements of the City’s Non-Discrimination and Living Wage ordinances;
RESOLVED, That a contract in the amount of $397,059.00 be awarded to Douglas N. Higgins, Inc. for the construction of the Village Oaks/Chaucer Court Emergency Storm Sewer Overflow Project;
RESOLVED, That a contingency amount of $40,000.00 be established within the project budget and that the City Administrator be authorized to approve change orders to the construction contract with Douglas N. Higgins, Inc., not to exceed that amount, in order to satisfactorily complete this project;
RESOLVED, That the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized and directed to execute said contract after approval as to form by the City Attorney and approval as to substance by the Public Services Area Administrator and City Administrator; and
RESOLVED, That the City Administrator be authorized to take the necessary administrative actions to implement this resolution including approval of needed Traffic Control Orders, night work authorizations, and other similar administrative approvals to allow the work of the project to proceed without delay.