Resolution to Approve the Scio Church and Barton Sidewalks Project Appropriation of Funds from the General Fund ($177,100.00) (8 Votes Required)
Attached for your approval is a resolution to appropriate $177,100.00 from the General Fund for the Scio Church and Barton Sidewalks Project.
The Scio Church sidewalk is proposed to be constructed along the south side of Scio Church Road from Maple Road to Delaware Drive. The Barton Sidewalk is proposed for the south side of Barton Drive from approximately 250 feet west of Chandler Road to Longshore Drive.
The two projects will be bid together as one project through MDOT, and construction will be funded in part by Federal Surface Transportation (STPU) Funds. The City's ability to use federal funds for this project has created the opportunity for the assessable adjacent property owners to receive the sidewalk improvements at less than the standard rates, as well as to reduce the City-share non-recoverable funding amount.
As part of this project, special assessment resolutions (Resolutions 2) will be presented to Council as separate Agenda items.
Scio Church Sidewalk
In August of 2012, a petition was received by the Public Services Area Administrator's Office requesting the installation of sidewalks on the south side of Scio Church between Delaware Drive and Maple Road. Providing this walkway would allow neighbors to access such facilities as the Ice Cube and the Pittsfield Library without having to cross Scio Church Road at midblock points. The petition was signed by approximately 75 residents of the Churchill Downs neighborhood, located on the south side of Scio Church Road.
Subsequently, City Council approved two resolutions appropriating funding and authorizing staff to evaluate and later design the sidewalk (R-12-525 and R-13-344). A portion of the sidewalk construction will be funded via special assessment. However, as most of this sidewalk abuts the rear lots of parcels or is along City-owned land, only three properties are assessable.
Barton Sidewalk
On December 10, 2012, staff received a petition requesting the City to provide a sidewalk along the south side of Barton Drive from approximately 250 west of Chandler Road to Longshore Drive. The petition had 7 signatures from three separate households.
Subsequently, City Council approved Resolution 1 appropriating funding for the design of the sidewalk (R-13-238). A portion of the sidewalk will be funded via special assessment and Resolution 2 will be presented to Council at a later date.
The total project cost of the two sidewalks (including design, construction, and materials testing) is estimated to be $445,706.00. Of this amount, $365,100.00 is for the Scio Church sidewalk, and $80,606.00 is for the Barton Sidewalk.
Revenue for the full project is expected as follows:
Federal STPU Funds: $200,000.00
Special Assessment: $3,606.00
Previously Appropriated General Fund: $65,000.00
Proposed General Fund Contribution: $177,100.00
The $200,000.00 federal STPU funds are available only for this project and will pay for up to 80% of the eligible construction costs. The City must provide a local match in order to capture these federal funds.
A June 2014 bid letting through MDOT is anticipated, with construction expected in July and August 2014.
Prepared by: Nick Hutchinson, P.E., City Engineer
Reviewed by: Craig Hupy, Public Services Area Administrator
Approved by: Steven D. Powers, City Administrator
Whereas, Plans and specifications have been prepared for the Scio Church Road and Barton Sidewalks Project for an anticipated June 2014 bid letting;
Whereas, a construction estimate and appropriate funding sources have been established;
Whereas, separate resolutions will be presented to Council to address the special assessment funding for this project; and
Whereas, Federal Surface Transportation funding in the amount of $200,000.00 is available to fund a portion of the construction costs;
Whereas, in order to capture the Federal Surface Transportation Funds for these sidewalks, the City must provide a local match;
Whereas, the total cost of the project has been estimated to be $445,706.00, of which an additional $177,100.00 of General Fund expenditures is required to construct the project;
RESOLVED, That of the local share City Council appropriates an additional $177,100.00 from the General Fund for the construction of the Scio Church and Barton Sidewalks Project;
RESOLVED, That the appropriated funds be available without regard to fiscal year;
RESOLVED, That the City Council authorizes City staff to proceed with the construction of these two sidewalks as a Federal-Aid project; and
RESOLVED, That the City Administrator be authorized to take the necessary administrative actions to implement this resolution