Resolution to Amend the Local Street Fund FY18 Budget by Appropriating Funds from Fund Balance and to Approve the Purchase of Road Maintenance Equipment from Falcon Road Maintenance Equipment LLC (MiDeal - $24,172.55 and National Joint Powers Alliance (NJPA) - $15,344.00) (8 Votes Required)
The attached resolution authorizes the purchase of one Falcon 150-gallon tack tank trailer ($15,344.00), and one Falcon pothole/patch recycler trailer ($24,172.55), for a total cost of $39,516.55, through the State of Michigan MiDeal cooperative purchasing, contract #071B7700092, and the NJPA cooperative purchasing contract #052417-FRM, for use by the Public Services Area, Public Works Unit.
The tack tank trailer will replace an existing 2005 Leeboy 150 gallon tack tank trailer (#4959), which the Public Works Unit uses in its streets maintenance operations throughout the City. Crews apply tack before asphalt work, including any hot patching such as potholes, milling and filling for utility patches, or repaving sections of the street.
Falcon Road Maintenance Equipment LLC, Midland, Michigan, was awarded contract #052417-FRM by the National Joint Powers Alliance cooperative purchasing program for Asphalt Patching Equipment.
The pothole/patch recycler trailer will be an addition to the fleet to support the Public Works Unit’s ability to increase its capacity to maintain City streets. The unit is used year round. In the winter months, staff use it to warm up the UPM (cold patch) for easier application and better adhesion to the road surfaces for pothole patching. In the summer months, staff uses it for cross-walk maintenance or any off-hours asphalt work done during resurfacing projects when heavy traffic must be avoided. The unit allows staff to store hot asphalt for a longer time by keeping it at a higher temperature so that it may be applied when the project is ready, rather than right away.
The City is currently renting this unit from Falcon Road Maintenance Equipment LLC. Falcon will credit the City 90% of the rental fees paid by the City for this unit towards the purchase of the pothole/patch recycler trailer.
Falcon Road Maintenance Equipment LLC, Midland, Michigan, was awarded contract #071B7700092 by the State of Michigan MiDeal cooperative purchasing program for Asphalt Patching Equipment.
Adequate funding for the purchase of the tack tank trailer has been budgeted in the Fleet Services Fund FY18 budget and the available Local Street fund balance. Adequate funding for the purchase of the pothole/patch recycler trailer is available as FY 18 approved Major Street Fund Operations and Maintenance budget.
Falcon Road Maintenance Equipment LLC complies with the requirements of the City’s conflict of interest and non-discrimination ordinances.
Prepared by: Matthew J. Kulhanek, Fleet and Facilities Unit Manager
Reviewed by: Craig Hupy, Public Services Area Administrator
Approved by: Howard S. Lazarus, City Administrator
Whereas, The Fleet & Facilities Unit needs to purchase road maintenance equipment;
Whereas, Competitive bids were received by the State of Michigan MiDeal cooperative purchasing program and the National Joint Powers Alliance cooperative purchasing program;
Whereas, Falcon Road Maintenance Equipment LLC, Midland, MI, received contracts for Asphalt Patching Equipment from both MiDeal and the NJPA cooperative purchasing programs;
Whereas, Falcon Road Maintenance Equipment LLC complies with the requirements of the City’s Conflict of Interest and Non-Discrimination Ordinances; and
Whereas, Adequate funds for the purchase of this equipment in the amount of $7,429.50 are available in the FY 18 approved Fleet Services Fund, in the amount of $24,172.55 are available in the FY 18 approved Major Street Fund and in the amount of $7,914.50 are available from the Local Street fund balance;
RESOLVED, That the City Council approve an appropriation of $7,914.50 from the Local Street fund balance; thereby, increasing the Local Street Fund revenue and expenditure budget;
RESOLVED, That the City Council approves the issuance of a purchase order to Falcon Road Maintenance Equipment LLC for one Falcon 150 gallon Tack Tank Trailer ($15,344.00) and one Falcon Pothole/Patch Recycler Trailer ($24,172.55) for a total cost of $39,516.55;
RESOLVED, That funds for the purchase of this equipment are to be available without regard to fiscal year;
RESOLVED, That the equipment being replaced (no. 4959) be sold at the next City vehicle auction held after the equipment is removed from service; and
RESOLVED, That the City Administrator be authorized to take the necessary actions to implement this resolution.