Resolution to Approve a Construction Contract with Anglin Civil, LLC for the Bird Road Retaining Wall Project, ITB No. 4611 ($207,330.00) and Appropriate Funding for the Project ($306,000.00) (8 Votes Required)
Attached for your review and approval, please find a resolution that appropriates funding and approves a construction contract between Anglin Civil, LLC and the City of Ann Arbor for the Bird Road Retaining Wall project.
Project Description:
The City of Ann Arbor is planning to replace the existing nonreinforced, stacked stone retaining wall along the northerly side of Bird Road between Newport Road and West Huron River Drive. The existing stone retaining wall and slope has deteriorated, thus the wall needs to be replaced and the slope requires restoration.
The existing stone wall is being replaced with a wire-formed retaining wall system. The wire-formed retaining wall system provides an aesthetic alternative to conventional concrete and segmental block retaining walls, replacing them with natural, landscaped, sloping structures nearly indistinguishable from native terrain.
As part of this project, the existing stacked stone wall will be salvaged, cleaned and reused in front of the new wire-formed retaining wall; this is intended to maintain the existing natural character of the Bird Road corridor. The new wall will utilize an anchor tieback support system that will be driven into the earth behind the wall to provide support and stabilize the slope. The proposed driven earth anchor tiebacks will greatly reduce the need for the removal of vegetation and trees that are located within the Bird Road Right-of-Way, near the residential property.
The anchor lengths necessary to provide a stable retaining wall will extend under the ground surface within the Bird Road Right-of-Way. No additional permanent easements or right-of-way was necessary for the driven anchor tiebacks. The anchors will not impact the surface use of the adjacent residential property.
A public meeting was not held for this project, given its limited scope and impact mainly to one property owner. Staff had conversations with the property owner and listened to their concerns with the restoration, desire to preserve the existing trees, maintain the character of the existing wall, as well as discussed potential options for the retaining wall replacement. Feedback from these discussions led to the design choices that were incorporated into the project.
Plans and contract documents were bid through the City’s Procurement Unit following standard procedures. On February 25, 2020, two bids were received and opened for this work. A tabulation of the bids received is as follows:
Anglin Civil, LLC. $207,330.00**
Superior Lawn & Snow Removal $263,515.00
Engineer’s Estimate $211,670.00
** Lowest responsible bid.
The lowest responsible bidder is Anglin Civil, LLC of Livonia, Michigan with a bid amount of $207,330.00, which is approximately 2% below the Engineer’s Estimate. Upon review, it appears that this bid properly addresses the work and the conditions in which it is to be performed, and that Anglin Civil, LLC has the required experience in successfully completing similar projects. Consequently, staff recommends awarding this contract to Anglin Civil, LLC.
Construction is expected to start in late April 2020 and be completed by the end of September 2020. Additional time may be necessary for completion of final restoration and establishment of vegetation. City staff will inspect the construction work and administer the construction contract.
Anglin Civil, LLC. is in compliance with the requirements of the City’s Non-Discrimination, Living Wage, and Prevailing Wage ordinance.
Budget/Fiscal Impact: The total cost of this project is anticipated to be approximately $275,000.00, which includes construction, contract administration, and inspection. This project had been placed on hold and the previously budgeted funding was returned to the Local Street fund balance, necessitating an appropriation from fund balance.
Prepared by: Nicholas S. Hutchinson, P.E., City Engineer
Reviewed by: Craig Hupy, Public Services Area Administrator
Approved by: Tom Crawford, Interim City Administrator
Whereas, The existing nonreinforced, stacked stone gravity retaining wall along the westerly side of Bird Road between Newport Road and West Huron River Drive has deteriorated, and thus the wall needs to be replaced and the slope stabilized;
Whereas, Based on feedback from the adjacent property owner, plans and contract documents were created to construct a wire-formed retaining wall system with tieback anchors in the location of the existing stone retaining wall;
Whereas, Funding for this work is available in the Local Street Fund Balance;
Whereas, The City of Ann Arbor received two bids for this work on February 25, 2020 and Anglin Civil, LLC of Livonia, Michigan was the lowest responsible bidder for this work with a bid amount of $207,330.00;
Whereas, It is now necessary to enter into a contract with Anglin Civil, LLC for the performance of this work; and
Whereas, Anglin Civil, LLC. is in compliance with the requirements of the City’s Non-Discrimination, Living Wage, and Prevailing Wage Ordinances;
RESOLVED, That a construction contract with Anglin Civil, LLC of Livonia, Michigan the in the amount of $207,330.00 be approved;
RESOLVED, That the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized and directed to execute the construction contract with Anglin Civil, LLC in the amount of $207,330.00 in the form on file with the City Clerk, following approval as to substance by the City Administrator, and approval as to form by the City Attorney;
RESOLVED, That a contingency amount of $31,000.00 be established, and the City Administrator be authorized to approve change orders to the contract with Anglin Civil, LLC up to $31,000.00 in order to satisfactorily complete the project;
RESOLVED, That $306,000.00, which includes the project contingency, be appropriated from the Local Street fund balance to the establish the Bird Road Retaining Wall Project within the Local Street fund;
RESOLVED, That the funding be made available without regard to fiscal year; and
RESOLVED, That the City Administrator be authorized to take the necessary administrative actions to implement this resolution including approval of needed Traffic Control Orders and other similar administrative approvals to allow the work of the project to proceed without delay.