Resolution to Confirm Members of an Advisory Task Force to Prepare a Recommendation Outlining the Roles and Responsibilities for a Proposed Community Policing Commission
This resolution is submitted pursuant to Resolution R-18-039, Resolution Creating an Advisory Task Force to Make Recommendations Regarding the Roles and Responsibilities of a Community Policing Commission, adopted by City Council on February 5, 2018.
Prepared by: Howard S. Lazarus, City Administrator
Whereas, The City Council adopted Resolution R-18-039, Creating an Advisory Task Force to Make Recommendations Regarding the Roles and Responsibilities of a Community Policing Commission, on February 5, 2018 directing the City Administrator to prepare a resolution by the March 19, 2018 regular City Council meeting to confirm nomination of the task force members and a Chairperson of the task force, who shall be nominated by the Mayor;
Whereas, Pursuant to Resolution R-18-039, the task force shall consist of eleven (11) voting members nominated by the Mayor from among interested persons, including those referred through or recommended by the Human Rights Commission, the Neutral Zone, or other stakeholders, and which shall include one (1) Chairperson and at least one (1) youth member. The task force shall also include two (2) nonvoting City Council Members;
Whereas, The Human Rights Commission solicited and accepted applications to serve on the task force and has reviewed and recommended primary and alternate members and a potential Chairperson;
Whereas, The Mayor has reviewed the applications to serve on the task force and the recommendations from the Human Rights Commission;
Whereas, The Mayor nominates the following persons to serve on the task force:
Co-Chairs (2):
• Richard Friedman
• Lori Saginaw
Youth Member (1):
• Keyshon Cotton
Other Voting Members (9):
• Anna Gersh
• Monica Harrold
• Janet Haynes
• Anna Lemler
• Richard Soble
• Robin Stephens
• Lauren Tatarsky
• Dwight Wilson
City Council members (nonvoting) (2):
• Sumi Kailasapathy
• Graydon Krapohl
Whereas, All of the nominees are Ann Arbor residents, other than Robin Stephens and Janet Haynes, who have Ann Arbor addresses but reside in Pittsfield Township and Scio Township respectively; and Keyshon Cotton, who attends Ann Arbor Pioneer High School but resides in Ypsilanti and was recommended by the Neutral Zone.
RESOLVED, That City Council confirms the Mayor’s nominations to the task force;
RESOLVED, That the term of the task force members shall end when the task force delivers its recommendation pursuant to Council Resolution R-18-039, which provides that a recommendation shall be delivered no later than September 4, 2018.
Sponsored by: Mayor Taylor