Resolution to Approve the Purchase of Sanitary and Storm Sewer Inspection Software from Infrastructure Technologies, LLC. ($50,305.00; RFP 17-10)
Attached for your review and consideration is a resolution authorizing $50,305.00 for the purchase of sanitary and storm sewer inspection software from Infrastructure Technologies, LLC.
The Request for Proposal was advertised on the City’s Website and on the Michigan Intergovernmental Trade Network (MITN) Website. Two bids were publicly opened on May 9, 2017. Infrastructure Technologies was determined to be the lowest responsible bidder for sanitary and storm sewer inspection software.
The recommended purchase order to Infrastructure Technologies, LLC for sanitary and storm sewer inspection software will replace the City's current functionality provided by PipeLogix, The new inspection and reporting software is a solution that is user friendly, provides comprehensive reporting and integrates with ESRI GIS and Cityworks.
Budget/Fiscal Impact: Funding is available in the approved FY18 Stormwater ($15,091.50) and Sewage Disposal System ($35,213.50) Operations and Maintenance Budget.
Infrastructure Technologies complies with the City’s Non Discrimination, and Living Wage ordinances.
Prepared by: Paul Matthews, Public Works Assistant Manager
Reviewed by: Molly Maciejewski, Public Works Manager
Reviewed by: Craig Hupy, Public Services Area Administrator
Approved by: Howard S. Lazarus, City Administrator
Whereas, Public works needs to purchase new Sanitary and Storm Sewer Inspection Software;
Whereas, Two competitive bids (RFP 17-10) were received by the Procurement Unit on May 9, 2017;
Whereas, Infrastructure Technologies, LLC. was the lowest responsible bidder for sanitary and storm sewer inspection software;
Whereas, Infrastructure Technologies complies with the City’s Non Discrimination, and Living Wage ordinances; and
Whereas, Funding is available in the approved FY18 Stormwater ($15,091.50) and Sewage Disposal System ($35,213.50) Operations and Maintenance budget.
RESOLVED, That City Council approve a purchase order for Infrastructure Technologies, Inc. for the purchase of sanitary and storm sewer inspection software in the amount not to exceed $50,305.00; and
RESOLVED, That the City Administrator be authorized to take the necessary administrative actions to implement this resolution.