Resolution to Approve the Extension of Temporary Employment Agreement between Abigail Elias and the City of Ann Arbor ($24,000.00)
Due to changes in personnel in the City Attorney’s Office, the City of Ann Arbor entered into a Temporary Employment Agreement with Abigail Elias to provide legal services to the City during the interim of replacing a Senior City Attorney. The City needs to extend the Temporary Employment Agreement between Abigail Elias and the City of Ann Arbor which is effective as of July 1, 2019 through November 1, 2019 or until the maximum compensation of $25,000.00 is exhausted. The agreement is being amended to extend the effective date through December 31, 2019 and to add $24,000.00 to the contract amount to cover this extension. This extension will allow for a transition period for onboarding the new Senior City Attorney scheduled to start on September 9, 2019.
Budget Impact: Funding is available through the FY20 City Attorney’s Office budget.
Approved by: Stephen K. Postema, City Attorney
Whereas, The Senior Assistant City Attorney previously assigned to the Public Services Area resigned as of July 3, 2019;
Whereas, That position will be filled as of September 9, 2019;
Whereas, Former Chief Assistant City Attorney Abigail Elias was willing to come back and assist the City as of July 1, 2019;
Whereas, Attorney Elias will be required to overlap to properly transfer the requisite knowledge for the transition of the new attorney;
Whereas, Attorney Elias is also working on several matters, including the Gelman matter, that require her expertise at this time;
Whereas, The initial contract for Attorney Elias was not to exceed for $25,000.00 which will likely be expended by September 20, 2019;
Whereas, Continued service to the City is necessary and beneficial;
Whereas, The funds to pay for the amendment to the contract are already available in amounts budgeted for the prior attorney’s salary and in the overhire program; and
Whereas, The amendment to the contract is for an estimated 360 hours at $66.36/hour for a not to exceed amount of $24,000.00, and a total contract amount of $49,000.00;
RESOLVED, That the attached amendment to the contract with Abigail Elias in an amount not to exceed $24,000.00 is approved; and
RESOLVED, That the City Administrator, Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign the amendment to the contract.