Resolution to Approve a Purchase Order to Michigan Supreme Court State Court Administrative Office for Judicial Information System Costs for FY 2020 ($47,250.00)
The attached resolution seeks approval of a purchase order to the State of Michigan Supreme Court State Court Administrative Office (SCAO) in an amount of $45,000.00, for the annual software licensing and hosting costs for the Judicial Information System (JIS) case management software. JIS is provided by the State of Michigan Supreme Court State Court Administrative Office for the 15th Judicial District Court’s use in its day-to-day operations.
Budget/Fiscal Impact: This item was budgeted for $45,000 in the approved FY2020 Information Technology Services Unit budget. The actual amount of the annual maintenance and support costs varies depending on the average annual caseload. There are no additional funds requested at this time. If additional funding for the contingency is required, it will come from the IT Operations budget.
Acquisition, installation and implementation of JIS has permitted the Court to realize several significant operational advantages, including less labor-intensive case entry processes, enhanced unpaid fine/cost collections, electronic integration with the Secretary of State Office for license suspensions (a process that was performed manually) and enhanced case monitoring. JIS is hosted at the Supreme Court State Court Administrative Office Judicial Information Systems (SCAO-JIS) offices at the Hall of Justice in Lansing, Michigan.
The JIS case management software system is the only case management system managed and administered by the Supreme Court of Michigan through the State Court Administrative Office and annual licensing is provided under a sole source agreement with SCAO.
Prepared by: Joshua Baron, Applications Delivery Manager, ITSU
Reviewed by: Tom Shewchuk, Director, ITSU
Tom Crawford, Financial Services Area Administrator and CFO
Approved by: Howard S. Lazarus, City Administrator
Whereas, The 15th Judicial District Court currently uses the Judicial Information System (JIS) Case Management Software system, managed by the State Court Administrative Office;
Whereas, The 15th Judicial District Court entered into a sole-source software licensing and hosting agreement with State Court Administrative Office (SCAO) JIS system in July of 2006;
Whereas, The JIS system permits the Court to perform mandated electronic case reporting to the Supreme Court of Michigan and other cost-effective case management operations;
Whereas, JIS offers significant operational and efficiency advantages as well as electronic caseload reporting to the Supreme Court of Michigan;
Whereas, The JIS case management software system is the only case management system managed and administered by the Supreme Court of Michigan;
Whereas, The 15th Judicial District Court is part of the Supreme Court of Michigan administrative and operational structure; and
Whereas, Funding for this project is from the approved FY2020 Information Technology Services Unit budget;
RESOLVED, That City Council approve a purchase order contract with the Supreme Court of Michigan State Court Administrative Office for Judicial Information System annual software licensing and hosting costs in an amount of $45,000.00;
RESOLVED, That the City Council approve a five percent (5%) contingency to be expendable from the IT Operations Budget, subject to City Administrator approval; and
RESOLVED, That the City Administrator be authorized to take all necessary actions to implement this Resolution regardless of fiscal year.