Resolution to Approve the Renewal of the City’s Contract with Part D Advisors, Inc. to Fulfill Administrative and Actuarial Services Related to Medicare Part D Subsidies for the City and to Authorize the City Administrator to Execute the Necessary Documentation
The attached Resolution authorizes the renewal of the City’s contract for administrative and actuarial services with Part D Advisors, Inc. Part D Advisors, Inc. keeps a percentage of the funds reimbursed to the City by Medicare.
Budget/Fiscal Impact: This does not adversely impact the FY19 budget and will not adversely impact the FY20 budget, as the City receives a refund from Medicare, from which the consultants will receive their fees. Further, receipt of the subsidy has a favorable impact for the City for GASB 45 purposes.
The Medicare Part D program added voluntary outpatient prescription drug benefits to the Medicare program effective January 1, 2006. Medicare pays an employer a subsidy of up to 28% of its prescription drug costs if its retirees covered under the retiree medical plan do not participate in the Medicare Part D program.
Prepared By: Jessica Hull, Employee Benefits Supervisor
Reviewed By: Robyn Wilkerson, Director of Human Resources and Labor Relations
Approved By: Howard S. Lazarus, City Administrator
Whereas, The City provides retiree medical and prescription drug coverage to eligible retired City employees and their eligible dependents in accordance with the employee benefits program and various labor contracts;
Whereas, The Federal Government enacted a new provision to the Medicare program, Medicare Part D, to provide outpatient prescription drug benefits effective January 1, 2006;
Whereas, The City-provided benefit is more generous than that offered under Medicare Part D;
Whereas, Medicare will pay employers a subsidy to have retirees not participate in the Part D program;
Whereas, Receipt of the subsidy will have favorable financial impact to the City with respect to GASB 45 disclosure requirements;
Whereas, The City approved the contract with Part D Advisors, Inc. on October 17, 2005, and subsequently approved an addendum to such contract on May 21, 2010;
Whereas, Part D Advisors, Inc. will provide the same services for the same administrative fees for the renewal period; and
Whereas, Part D Advisors complies with the requirements of the City’s Non-Discrimination and Living Wage ordinances;
RESOLVED, That City Council approve the renewal of the contract for the period January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2019, with Part D Advisors, Inc.;
RESOLVED, That the City Administrator is authorized and directed to execute the necessary contract documentation after approval as to form by the City Attorney and take any further necessary administrative actions to implement this resolution;
RESOLVED, That the City Administrator be authorized to allow future renewals of the contract if he deems it in the City’s best interest;
RESOLVED, That the City Council appoints Robyn Wilkerson as the Authorized Representative for purposes of the City performing its obligations under the contract; and
RESOLVED, That the City Administrator be authorized to take all necessary actions to implement this resolution including execution of any changes or amendments.