Public Market Advisory Commission
Established by Section 1:195, Chapter 8, Title I of the Ann Arbor City Code
Bylaws approved November 18, 2013 by R-13-362
The Commission serves in an advisory capacity to the Mayor and City Council, the Park Advisory Commission and the Market Manager. The Commission shall carry out the following functions and perform the following duties: It shall provide recommendations concerning the Public Market to the Park Advisory Commission and City Council regarding policies and actions requiring City Council approval. It shall periodically review the Market Operating Rules under Chapter 31 (Public Market) of the City Code and recommend changes to the Community Services Administrator for review. It shall advise the Market Manager regarding the promotion and advertising of the market and the various activities which take place there. It shall advise the Market Manager regarding outreach education activities as they pertain to farmers markets and sustainable agriculture. It shall advise the Market Manager regarding vendor recruitment.
Length of Terms
3 Years
Meeting Times and Frequency
Determined at the start of each year
Current Meeting Time is 3rd Thursday of each month at 5:30 p.m.
Membership / Committee Composition
5 members appointed by the Mayor, subject to approval by City Council.
- 1 Annual vender at the market
- 1 Daily vendor at the market
- 1 representative of the surrounding Kerrytown neighborhood
- 2 regular customers of the market.
Contact Info
Stephanie Willette
Market Manager
734-794-6255 ex. 42575