From:                                         Alexa, Jennifer

Sent:                                           Friday, June 17, 2016 3:51 PM

To:                                               Alexa, Jennifer

Subject:                                     Posed Site Plan for South Pond Village


Importance:                            High


From: mhjtan
Sent: Thursday, June 16, 2016 12:50 PM
Subject: Posed Site Plan for South Pond Village


Woodcreek Subdivision has eighty seven single dwelling homes.  The South Pond Village has a proposed seventy three single homes.  As Woodcreek Subdivision has but ONE access and One egress road, side by side, piggybacking another subdivision of 73 homes onto our 87 homes makes for 160 homes using a single entrance/exit onto Chalmers Drive!  If Woodcreek were being constructed today, two entrances and two exits would be mandatory.  This proposal before you is blatantly unsafe, and was overwhelmingly rejected by Planning Commission over a year ago.

Some of the valid reasons for rejection were –

-        Chalmers Drive is a very poorly maintained dirt road and cannot handle the existing volume of traffic, before adding an additional load from another large subdivision.

-        Woodcreek has in excess of one hundred children, yet no park or playground, so they tend to play in and near the streets.  The additional load of traffic on our streets would be so dangerous and unsafe.

-        We in Woodcreek strongly oppose the use of Algebe Way as a connecter street.  At the beginning of these discussions, we in Woodcreek had the assurance of the developer, Mr. Michael Furnari, that Algebe Way could and would be used as an Emergency Access route for police, fire, and emergency vehicles, accessible from both neighborhoods and not as a through street.


There are two other routes into this proposed site that do not impact Chalmers or Woodcreek subdivision.  The last proposal with access/egress off Huron River Drive has not been rejected.  Impact on the wetlands has been deemed negligible.  Secondily, the City owns a 50 foot wide public right-of- way along the west edge of Arborland Mall, which would exit directly onto Pittsfield Boulevard with traffic lights already in place.  This one is the most direct to and from the proposed site development and has no impact at all on Chalmers Drive, Huron River Drive, or Woodcreek Subdivision.  I ask, - why is this not even being considered?


Thank you for considering my submission,

Jean Tan

1595 Meadowside Drive

Woodcreek Subdivision

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