Resolution to Approve a Residential Parking District for the South University Neighborhood Association and Appropriate General Fund Unobligated Fund Balance ($4,156.00) (8 Votes Required)
Attached for your review and approval is a resolution to establish a Residential Parking Permit (RPP) district for the South University Neighborhood Association (SUNA). Also attached is a Traffic Control Order (TCO) indicating streets to be signed for residential parking.
The streets to be included are as follows, excluding frontage for non-residential properties:
1. Elm Street, S University Av to Geddes Av
2. Geddes Av, south side, Observatory St to east property line of 1610 Geddes Av
3. Linden St, S University Av to Geddes Av
4. Mack Court, Elm St to end
5. South University Av, north side, Washtenaw Av to Oxford Rd.
6. Walnut St, S University to Geddes Av.
7. Washtenaw Av, northeast side, Wilmot St to S University Av.
8. Wilmot Ct, Elm St. to end
9. Wilmot St, Washtenaw Av to Observatory St.
Streets currently signed for “no parking” or other restrictions will remain unchanged. The inclusion of a street signed for “no parking” in the District allows residents fronting that street to be eligible to participate, purchase a permit and park on another RPP Designated street within the SUNA RPP District.
The SUNA has been in discussions with Councilmembers Smith and Briere because of the impending increase in parking demand associated with the opening of the new University of Michigan dormitory at State and Huron. While parking in the area has already been a problem, the SUNA has been unsuccessful in attempts to achieve the required signatures for a petition to establish a RPP District due to the low number of long term residents in the area. As a result, we are recommending the district be established by waiving the requirement that the association submit a petition request with 60% signed support. Implementation of the district, including installation ...
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