Resolution to Approve a Construction Contract with Cadillac Asphalt, LLC (RFP No. 24-04, $7,299,000.00) for the 2024 Street Resurfacing Project, and to Appropriate $6,995,000.00 from the Street, Bridge, and Sidewalk Millage; $660,000.00 from the Sidewalk Construction Millage; $675,000.00 from the Stormwater Fund; $55,000.00 from the Sewage Disposal Fund; and $55,000.00 from the Water Supply System Fund (8 Votes Required)
Attached for your consideration is a resolution to approve a construction contract with Cadillac Asphalt, LLC (Cadillac), in the amount of $7,299,000.00 for the rehabilitation and resurfacing of various City streets and asphalt paths, and the construction of new sidewalks. The resolution also appropriates money from other funds contributing to the project.
This year’s project includes approximately 6.2 miles of resurfacing work on 16 local streets and 1 major street, as well as segments of the shared use asphalt path along Glazier Way and Earhart Road. In addition, and as is typical for this annual project, minor repairs to stormwater structures, water supply systems, and sewage disposal systems within the project limits are made and funded by the appropriate fund. An interactive map of all road work, including resurfacing, in the city, in 2024 can be found at: www.a2gov.org/a2streets <http://www.a2gov.org/a2streets>.
As outlined in R-23-330, considerations for Speed Management implementation outside of the Traffic Calming Program were reviewed and data was collected on streets identified by staff to determine the appropriate device selection. As a result of this evaluation, several bumpouts will be constructed in the Lakewood Neighborhood as well as the realignment of the Lakeview/Highlake intersection. On Burwood Avenue, four (4) speed humps and two (2) bumpouts/curb extensions will be constructed.
Also included are three (3) new sidewalk installations; Page Avenue (Esch to Harpst), 580 Burwood Avenue, and 2996 Sunnywood Drive.
In addition to the above work, the project includes the installation of traffic calming devices on Fulmer (Miller to Foss), Baldwin (Packard to Stadium), Manchester (Buckingham to Needham), and Grandview (Jackson to Dexter) that were requested and approved through the City’s Traffic Calming Program.
Construction will begin in May 2024 and be completed by November 2024. The Contractor will provide an exact schedule for each street, as required, to coordinate with planned community events, in-session school days, holiday periods, and other construction projects.
The contract is a unit price contract, as actual construction quantities may vary. This allows removal or substitution of any streets on the proposed list for any reason. If additional funding becomes available, or if costs for the current project list are lower than anticipated, the city may add additional streets to the project.
Solicitation of Proposals
Engineering staff supervised the creation of plans and contract documents and solicited proposals for construction of the project through the City’s Procurement Unit. On February 22, 2024, two (2) proposals were received for this work. A selection committee comprised of Public Services staff reviewed the proposals and determined which bidder was the Best Value based on the criteria in ORD-21-41:
• Qualifications, Experience & Accountability (20%)
• Workplace Safety (20%)
• Workforce Development (20%)
• Social Equity & Sustainability (20%)
• Schedule of Pricing/Cost (20%)
After reviewing and scoring the proposals, staff ranked the respondents in the following order:
1. Cadillac Asphalt, LLC
2. Ajax Paving Industries, Inc.
Cadillac received the highest score among the proposals reviewed by the selection committee. Therefore, staff recommends approving a contract with them for this project. Cadillac complies with the City’s Non-Discrimination and Living Wage ordinances.
Maintenance of Traffic
The contract requires maintenance of local traffic and access to properties throughout most of the construction. For total closures, the road will be open to local traffic only, and other traffic will be temporarily detoured in both directions of travel. In advance of construction and at staff’s direction, the contractor will install signs and/or electronic message boards to notify drivers of upcoming detours and related traffic delays.
Public Outreach
An informational session was recorded and shared through a postcard for the Lakewood Neighborhood and two virtual office hours were held for residents in the area to provide staff feedback and discuss any questions or concerns.
An informational session was recorded and shared through a postcard for Burwood Ave residents. A survey was conducted to obtain additional feedback and an in-person open house will be held to present the final Speed Management Plan.
In addition to this area specific outreach, communications to all residents in the 2024 Resurfacing areas will include post card communications, email distribution lists created from resident requests, and the following webpages: www.a2gov.org/a2streets <http://www.a2gov.org/a2streets>, www.a2gov.org/roadconstruction <http://www.a2gov.org/roadconstruction> and www.a2gov.org/resurfacing <http://www.a2gov.org/resurfacing>
Staff will distribute a detailed notice prior to construction on each street. Residents and property owners may check the webpage or sign up for weekly email updates to track the progress of work The Contractor will distribute additional notices when its work activities and operations directly impact residents and property/business owners.
Budget/Fiscal Impact: The estimated total cost for this year’s project, which includes the Annual Street Resurfacing Project (TR-SC-22-05) and Annual Asphalt Sidewalk Repairs for $300,000.00 (TR-AT-22-11) in the current Capital Improvements Plan, is $10,320,000.00 and includes estimated revenue from the following sources:
Revenue Source |
Amount |
Street, Bridge, and Sidewalk Millage Fund* |
$5,020,000.00 |
Washtenaw County Road Millage 2024 |
$250,000.00 |
Street, Bridge, and Sidewalk Millage Road Bond |
$3,400,000.00 |
FY 24 Sidewalk Construction Millage |
$660,000.00 |
FY 25 County Mental Health Millage (Traffic Calming) |
$205,000.00 |
Stormwater Fund |
$675,000.00 |
Sewage Disposal Fund |
$55,000.00 |
Water Supply System Fund |
$55,000.00 |
$10,320,000.00 |
*Includes $300,000.00 for asphalt path repairs
Appropriations are necessary to allocate the major funding sources to the existing 2024 Annual Resurfacing Project Budget.
Prepared by: Andrea Wright, Project Manager
Nicholas Hutchinson, P.E., City Engineer
Reviewed by: Brian Steglitz, Public Services Area Administrator
Approved by: Milton Dohoney Jr., City Administrator
Whereas, The City of Ann Arbor Adopted FY 2024 Street, Bridge, and Sidewalk Millage Capital Budget, which includes the Annual Local Street Resurfacing Project and Annual Asphalt Sidewalk Repairs;
Whereas, The 2024 Street Resurfacing Project includes approximately 6.2 miles of resurfacing work on 16 local streets and 1 major street, as well as the replacement of segments of asphalt sidewalks;
Whereas, The 2024 Street Resurfacing Project will improve and maintain streets and asphalt sidewalks in the City;
Whereas, Proposals were received by the City’s Procurement Office on Thursday, February 22, 2024, and Cadillac Asphalt, LLC received the highest score among the proposals reviewed by the selection committee;
Whereas, It is appropriate now to enter into a contract with said company for said construction project; and
Whereas, The contract sets forth, among other things, the services to be performed by said company, and the payments to be made by the City therefore, all of which are agreeable to the City;
Whereas, Cadillac Asphalt, LLC complies with the City of Ann Arbor Non-Discrimination, Responsible Bidder and Living Wage Ordinances; and
Whereas, $1,880,000.00 is available in the approved Street, Bridge, and Sidewalk Millage Fund Capital Budget.
RESOLVED, That City Council approve a construction contract with Cadillac Asphalt, LLC in the amount of $7,299,000 for the 2024 Street Resurfacing Project (RFP No. 24-04);
RESOLVED, That the 2024 Street Resurfacing Project expenditure and revenue budgets be increased by $8,440,000.00 with the sources of funding being the appropriation from the Street, Bridge, and Sidewalk Millage Fund, Fund Balance ($6,995,000.00), the approved Stormwater Fund Capital budget ($675,000.00), the approved Water System Fund Capital budget ($55,000.00), the approved Sewage Disposal System Capital budget ($55,000.00), and the FY 25 Sidewalk Construction Millage Fund Capital Budget ($660,000.00),if so approved;
RESOLVED, That a contingency amount of $730,000.00 be established within the project budget and that the City Administrator be authorized to approve additional change orders to the construction contract with Cadillac Asphalt LLC not to exceed $730,000.00 in order to satisfactorily complete this project;
RESOLVED; That the funding be available without regard to fiscal year until project completion;
RESOLVED, That the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized and directed to execute said contract after approval as to form by the City Attorney and approval as to substance by the City Administrator;
RESOLVED, That the City has the option to fund/reimburse project costs with bond proceeds; and
RESOLVED, That the City Administrator be authorized to take necessary administrative actions to implement this resolution, including issuing Traffic Control Orders for the streets included in the 2024 Street Resurfacing Project, including parking prohibitions as needed in excess of one (1) block and/or ninety (90) days.