Resolution to Approve the Transfer of Ownership and Location of a Class C Liquor Licensed Business to Club Vintage LLC, a New Dance-Entertainment Permit, New Outdoor Service Permit, New Official Permit (Food) and a New SDM Liquor License to be held in conjunction with the Class C license, located at 523 S. Main - D/B/A Club Vintage
Attached is a resolution to approve the request to transfer ownership and location of a Class C Liquor Licensed Business located in escrow at 205 W. Michigan Ave., Ypsilanti, Michigan, from Adam A., Inc. to Club Vintage LLC., located at 523 S. Main, Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Club Vintage LLC is also requesting a new Dance-Entertainment Permit, new Outdoor Service Permit, new Official Permit (Food) and a New SDM Liquor License to be held in conjunction with the Class C. Local approval is not required for the SDM Liquor License.
The applicant plans to operate a bar/event center at the premises. The applicant will employ two full-time employees and four part-time employees.
The Police, Planning and Development, Treasurer and Fire Services have approved the application. There are no delinquent property taxes, all application fees are paid and there are no objections from City Staff.
Prepared by : Anissa R. Bowden, Council Administrative Coordinator
Reviewed by: Jacqueline Beaudry, City Clerk
RESOLVED, That the request to transfer ownership and Location of a Class C Liquor Licensed Business, located in escrow at 205 W. Michigan Ave., in Ypsilanti, Michigan, from Adam A., Inc. to Club Vintage LLC, d/b/a Club Vintage, located at 523 S. Main in Ann Arbor, Michigan, be approved; and
RESOLVED, That a New Dance-Entertainment Permit, New Outdoor Service Permit, New Official Permit (Food), be approved and held in conjunction with the Class C Liquor License.