Resolution to Authorize the Sustaining Ann Arbor Together Grant Program (SA2T) to Support Community Stakeholders with Advancing A2ZERO and the Community's Goal of Carbon Neutrality by 2030
The Sustaining Ann Arbor Together Grant Program ("SA2T") was launched in 2018, upon the recommendation of the Environmental Commission, as a means of promoting and resourcing community-based activities in support of the City's sustainability and climate action goals. Initially launched within Systems Planning, the Program eventually moved to the newly formed Office of Sustainability and Innovations where it has lived ever since.
Through the award of individual grants, the SA2T helps neighborhood groups and community-based organizations develop, resource, and complete small-scale improvement projects in the City's rights-of-way or on publicly-owned property, that advance sustainability-related outcomes. Each grant awarded is less than $10,000 (excluding neighborhood contributions). Since 2019, the total annual grant program funding has been $100,000, which comes from the budget of the Office of Sustainability and Innovations.
The following entities are eligible for a grant:
* Neighborhood associations (registered with the City); or
* Nonprofit entities registered with the State of Michigan
Interested candidates must submit their SA2T Grant Application online. Applications must include: contact information; project information, including a description of the proposed project and estimated costs; sustainability information including the connection of the project to the City's A2ZERO plan and sustainability framework; specific-project information including deliverables, timeline, completion data, and a short description on how the project will be sustained (if relevant); and signatures of applicants and associated parties.
Awards are granted by the Office of Sustainability and Innovations on a rolling basis with a panel of City staff convening to review ...
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