Resolution to Approve a Construction Contract with Bailey Excavating, Inc. for the Brooks Street Improvements Project ($3,445,709.21) and to Appropriate $2,834,500.00 in Contributing Funds (8 Votes Required)
Attached for your review and approval, please find a resolution to approve a construction contract between the City of Ann Arbor and Bailey Excavating, Inc. (Bailey) in the amount of $3,445,709.21 for the Brooks Street Improvements Project (RFP 23-09).
The scope of this project includes the following:
* Road resurfacing and miscellaneous catch basin replacements on Brooks Street, between Miller and Mixtwood;
* Water main replacement and road resurfacing on Brooks Street, between Mixtwood and Sunset, and on Mixtood Road, between Brooks and Red Oak;
* Sunset/Brooks/Vesper intersection reconfiguration to meet current design standards and best practices for residential, multimodal design;
* Bioretention stormwater management system at the Sunset/Brooks/Vesper intersection;
* Underground stormwater detention at the Brooks and Bydding intersection;
* Intersection improvements at Mixtwood and Red Oak, including a mini-roundabout, pavement markings, and signage; as warranted to provide ADA compliant crosswalk locations and additional pedestrian connectivity;
* Sidewalk gap filling along both sides of Brooks Street north of Mixtwood, which incorporates additional curb bump-outs to minimize impacts to City trees where feasible.
Engineering staff supervised the creation of plans and contract documents and bid the project through the City's Procurement Unit. On April 5, 2023, three proposals were received for this work. A selection committee comprised of Public Services staff reviewed the proposals and determined which bidder was the best value based on the criteria in ORD-21-41:
* Qualifications, Experience, & Accountability (20%)
* Workplace Safety (20%)
* Workforce Development (20%)
* Social Equity & Sustainability (20%)
* Schedule of Pricing/C...
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