Resolution to Adopt the 2023-2027 Parks and Recreation Open Space Plan (Adopted by the CPC on January 4, 2023)
Approval of this resolution will adopt the 2023-2027 Parks and Recreation Open Space Plan as an element of the City Comprehensive Plan.
The 2023-2027 Parks and Recreation Open Space Plan (PROS Plan) is a guiding document for the Parks and Recreation system. It provides a vision for the future, an overview of services and programs, an inventory of parkland and amenities, an explanation of the budget and land acquisition process, and the long-term goals of the park system. As an element of the City of Ann Arbor Comprehensive Plan, the PROS Plan is considered a vital piece of the larger vision for the City.
The Parks and Recreation Services Unit updates the PROS Plan every five years to retain funding eligibility with the Michigan Department of Natural Resources, whose grants have provided millions of dollars for project construction and land acquisition to the Ann Arbor Parks System. This plan replaces the 2016-2020 PROS Plan.
The process to update the plan was initiated approximately twelve months ago. A task force was formed that consisted of staff from Parks and Recreation Services, Systems Planning, Planning and Development, two members of the Parks Advisory Commission (PAC), two members of City Council, and a member of the Equitable Engagement Steering Committee. The committee met five times to provide direction for the planning process.
Work sessions were held online via Microsoft Teams with both PAC and the Planning Commission to receive feedback. Adjoining jurisdictions were duly notified of the planning effort and provided an opportunity to comment on the draft Plan. Public hearings were held at the Park Advisory Commission on January 3, 2023 and at the City Planning Commission on January 4, 2023.
PAC recommended amendments to the plan for approval at its January 3, 2023 meeting and City Planning Commission approved the...
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