Resolution to Approve the Purchasing Agreement for Utility Infrastructure Materials from Core and Main LP, ITB-4715 ($923,083.71)
Attached for your review and consideration for approval is a resolution authorizing the purchases of up to $923,083.71 for utility infrastructure materials from Core and Main LP.
ITB-4715 was advertised on the City's website and on the Michigan Inter-governmental Trade Network (MITN) website. Three (3) bids were received and publicly opened on May 10, 2022. Core and Main LP was the lowest responsible bidder for the materials requested. Core and Main LP is also the only supplier to bid on almost every material listed on the invitation to bid, and it is much more efficient to use one supplier for all of these related materials.
The three bidders were:
1. Core & Main LP
2. Ferguson
3. EJ USA Inc.
The recommended purchase order to Core and Main LP for the materials will allow for the purchase of water, sanitary sewer, and stormwater infrastructure materials commonly used in maintenance, repair and replacement activities.
Budget/Fiscal Impact: Funding is available in the approved FY23 Sewage Disposal, Stormwater Fund, and Water Supply System Operations and Maintenance Budgets. Any materials purchased for capital or project related expenditures will be charged to the appropriate funding source.
Core and Main LP complies with the City's Non-Discrimination ordinance.
Prepared by: Paul Matthews, Assistant Public Works Manager
Reviewed by: Molly Maciejewski, Public Works Manager
Reviewed by: Brian Steglitz, Interim Public Services Area Administrator
Approved by: Milton Dohoney Jr., City Administrator
Whereas, The Public Works Unit needs to purchase materials for maintenance, repair and replacement work performed on the water supply, sewage disposal and stormwater systems;
Whereas, Three bids (ITB-4715) were received by the Procurement Unit on May 10, 2022, and Core and Main LP was the lowest res...
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