Five Amendments to the Chapter 55 - Unified Development Code for City Council Approval are proposed as described below:
1. Religious Assembly Use in M1 district: Amendment to Section 5.15.1 (Primary Uses), Table 5-15-1 (Primary Use Table), to add religious assembly use as a permitted use in the M1 (Limited Industrial) zoning district.
2. Marijuana License Types and Numbers of Licenses Per Lot: Amendment to Section 5.16.3.G (Marijuana Facility use specific standards) to delete paragraph d (Number of State Marijuana Licenses Per Lot) and paragraph e (Types of Marijuana Facilities Per Lot). Deleting paragraph d will allow any number of marijuana facilities on a single lot, whereas currently a maximum of one to five are permitted depending on the zoning district in which the lot is located. Deleting paragraph e will allow multiple of the same kinds of marijuana license types on a single lot, whereas currently it is interpreted that every license must be for a different type of marijuana facility when more than one license is allowed. All other marijuana facility standards and regulations provided in the UDC, as well as State standards and regulations, will remain in effect.
3. Minimum Lot Size in R2A District: Amendment to Section 5.17.3 (Residential Zoning Districts), Table 5-17-2 (Two-Family Residential Zoning District Dimensions) to change the minimum lot size from 8,500 square feet to 5,000 square feet, to change the minimum lot width from 60 feet to 40 feet, and to change the minimum lot area per dwelling unit from 4,250 square feet to 2,500 square feet.
4. Street Tree Escrow: Amendment to Section 5.20.10.B (Street Trees Required With Site Plan Developments) to remove references to street tree escrow and instead require a street tree planting fee.
5. Landscape Modifications: Amendment to Section 5.30.1 (Landscape Modifications) to add standards of approval for flexibility in street tree requirements to the list of other landscaping and sc...
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