Resolution to Appropriate Fund Balance to the Special Assistance Fund to Provide Aid to the Barrier Busters Program ($12,000.00) (8 Votes Required)
This resolution seeks Council approval for the appropriation of fund balance from the Special Assistance Fund to provide additional resources to the Washtenaw County Office of Community and Economic Development Barrier Busters Program during this time of unprecedented need.
City Council established the Ann Arbor Assistance Fund (0038) in 1984 as a mechanism by which individual donors and the business community could make donations to assist Ann Arbor residents to prevent eviction and utility shut-off. The Barrier Busters Emergency Unmet Needs Fund was established to receive funds from state, local, and private agencies that can be accessed by a single point of entry application to reduce barriers and resolve urgent or crisis situations for individuals and families in need.
The County uses and distributes the funds to aid Ann Arbor residents who are in danger of losing their housing or utility services because of serious financial problems. The County will require documentation as part of the application process to establish that an applicant has household income of less than 50% of the City of Ann Arbor's median income. Only one assistance payment per applicant will be made during any twelve-month period and that assistance payment will not exceed the amount of the housing payment for two months and/or the amount needed to continue or reinstate utility service.
In 2020, the City of Ann Arbor added a mechanism for customers paying their water bills online to make voluntary contributions to the Ann Arbor Assistance Fund (Fund 0038). The outcome of this feature has been collections that exceed what was originally budgeted for the FY20 budget, leading to a fund balance exceeding $12,000.00. Due to the current economic circumstances, staff recommends the release of these funds to the Barrier Bust...
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