Resolution to Approve a Grant Contract with the Michigan Department of Transportation for the Reimbursement Agreement with the Federal Aviation Administration for Work Related to the Environmental Assessment Study for the Proposed Safety Extension of Runway 6/24 at the Ann Arbor Municipal Airport ($27,915.00)
Attached for your consideration is a resolution to approve a grant contract with the Michigan Department of Transportation-Office of Aeronautics (MDOT-Aero) in the amount of $27,915.00 to reimburse the City for funds paid to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) under reimbursement agreement AJW-FN-CSA-18-GL-002234. The reimbursement agreement, approved by City Council in September 2018, funded the initial costs incurred by the FAA to review the revised and updated environmental assessment (EA) study for the proposed safety extension of runway 6/24 at the airport. This review is ongoing and an amendment to the reimbursement agreement for additional funds is also on this evening’s City Council agenda for consideration.
The EA study for the proposed safety extension of runway 6/24 at the Ann Arbor Airport has been underway since 2009. As part of the proposed project, runway 6/24 would be shifted 150’ to the southwest to allow for the future widening of the State Road corridor by the Washtenaw County Road Commission. Since there are federally owned navigational aids on this runway, the FAA needs to review the EA study and sign off on the Finding of No Significant Impact. The reimbursement agreement funds the FAA work associated with this review.
This grant reimburses the City for funds paid from the Airport Fund for the initial work under the reimbursement agreement with the FAA in the amount of $27,915.00. If the amendment for additional funds in the amount of $23,166.67 to the reimbursement agreement with the FAA is approved by City Council, those funds would be covered by a separate grant request made upon completion of the work under the reimbursement agreement.
Budget and Fiscal Impact: The grant amount of $27,915.00 is comprised of $25,123.00 in federal funds, $1,396.00 in state funds and $1,396.00 in airport matching funds. Reimbursement of these funds would be made to the Airport Fund Operations and Maintenance budget which paid the initial funds to the FAA. All funding (local, state and federal) for this project will come from fees paid by users of aviation industry services. The grant is administered by MDOT-Aero.
Prepared by: Matthew J. Kulhanek, Fleet & Facilities Manager
Reviewed by: John Fournier, Assistant City Administrator
Approved by: Tom Crawford, Interim City Administrator
Whereas, In 2018 the City approved reimbursement agreement AJW-FN-CSA-18-GL-002234 with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to review the revised and updated environmental assessment (EA) study for the proposed safety extension of runway 6/24 at the airport;
Whereas, The City made payment from the Airport Fund in the amount of $27,914.50 to the FAA to cover the initial estimate of this review work which is ongoing; and
Whereas, The FAA and the Michigan Department of Transportation - Office of Aeronautics have approved funding to reimburse the City’s Airport Fund for the initial costs of reimbursement agreement AJW-FN-CSA-18-GL-002234 with the FAA;
RESOLVED, That the City Council approve grant contract number 2020-0802 with the Michigan Department of Transportation in the amount of $27,915.00 for the reimbursement agreement with the FAA for work related to the EA study for the proposed safety extension of runway 6/24 at the Ann Arbor Municipal Airport;
RESOLVED, That the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized and directed to sign said agreements upon approval as to form by the City Attorney, and upon approval as to substance by the City Administrator; and
RESOLVED, That the City Administrator be directed to take the necessary administrative actions to implement this resolution.