An Ordinance to Amend Title VII (Businesses and Trades) of the Code of the City of Ann Arbor by Adding a New Chapter Which Shall be Designated as Chapter 97 (Short-Term Rentals) (Ordinance No. ORD-20-24)
Upon direction of the City Council in Resolution R-19-112, City Staff initiated the work to prepare a report on the feasibility of regulating short term rentals in the City. This report included evaluation of peer city regulations as well as consideration of short-term rentals under the circumstances of both owner and non-owner occupancy.
This report, created with assistance of the City's consultant Carlisle Wortman Associates, was presented to City Council in January of 2020. The report provided:
* A differentiation of three distinct types of short-term rentals
* A summary of feedback and direction from members of the public that generally supported both little and increased regulation for short term rentals.
* Comparison of five peer communities that have enacted short-term rental regulations. While more community ordinances were evaluated, the five represented the range of approaches.
* A summary of regulatory considerations that identify purpose and potential resources that would be needed, such as financial, staffing, etc.
* The report also presented three feasible options for the regulation of short-term rentals.
On January 6, 2020, the City Council considered the feasibility report, and through Resolution R-19-593, directed the City Administrator to pursue regulation of short-term rentals as specified in the report as "Option 3." This option added the most regulation to short term rentals as providing the following directions:
* Increase nuisance and enforcement resources
* Clarify and enforce occupancy requirements
* Create registration and license program
* Require local contact person/agent
* Limit advertising
* Prohibit non-owner-occupied short-term rentals (Vacation Rentals)
* Regulate and restrict Primary Residence - Entire...
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