Motions to Waive Council Rules and Reconsider the May 4, 2020 Approvals of Resolution 4 - Special Assessment Roll for Nixon and Traver Special Assessment District No. 56 (8 Votes Required) and Resolution No. 4 - Confirming the Barton Drive Water Main Replacement & Resurfacing Project Special Assessment District No. 55 - Brede to Pontiac (8 Votes Required)
Motion 1:
I move, under Council Rule 19, to suspend the time limitation of Council Rule 13 in order to allow a motion to reconsider the May 4, 2020 Approval of Resolution 4 - Special Assessment Roll for Nixon and Traver Special Assessment District No. 56.
Moved by Councilmember Bannister
Motion 2 (only if motion 1 passes):
I move to reconsider the May 4, 2020 Approval of Resolution 4 - Special Assessment Roll for Nixon and Traver Special Assessment District No. 56 (8 Votes Required). I voted on the prevailing side, which approved the resolution unanimously.
I move to reconsider the May 4, 2020 Approval of Resolution No. 4 - Confirming the Barton Drive Water Main Replacement & Resurfacing Project Special Assessment District No. 55 - Brede to Pontiac (8 Votes Required). I voted on the prevailing side.
Approval of motion 2 will bring back resolution R-20-163 and R-20-161 for immediate reconsideration.
Moved by Councilmember Smith