Amendment to Chapter 55, Rezoning of 1.19 Acres from O (Office District) to PUD (Planned Unit Development), Near North Proposal, 626-724 North Main Street (CPC Recommendation: Motion to Approve Failed - 5 Yeas and 2 Nays) (Ordinance No. ORD-09-27)
Approval of the Near North PUD Zoning District and Supplemental Regulations will rezone the eight properties along North Main Street (626-724 North Main Street) from O (Office District) to PUD (Planned Unit Development) to allow development of a four-story, 39-unit mixed use apartment building. The eight existing parcels will be combined into a single parcel under the proposed zoning. Below is information regarding the proposed development:
· Size: 1.19 acres
· Existing zoning: Office
· Eight existing houses on eight parcels. All will be demolished and parcels combined
· Site contains floodway and floodplain
Proposed Building
· 65,144-square foot, mixed use building containing:
o 39 residential units (39 one-bedroom units)
o 17,387 square feet of underground parking (41 spaces)
o 2,714 square feet of retail use
o 1,553 square feet of office use
o 92% floor area to lot area ratio (FAR)
o Maximum height of 50 feet
· 53 parking spaces, including 12 surface spaces and 41 below the building
· All residential units will be designated as affordable housing for 30-50% Area Median Income (AMI) with up to 14 supportive housing units as defined by the Michigan State Housing Development Authority (MSHDA)
· LEED certification is proposed
The City Planning Commission motion to recommend approval of this request failed at its meeting of June 16, 2009. As contained in the attached minutes, concerns expressed include impact on the scale of the neighborhood, compliance with master plan recommendations, demolition of the existing houses on Main Street, and appropriate PUD benefits.
On September 8, 2009 City Council postponed the Second Reading of the PUD zoning district and supplemental regulations and PU...
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