Resolution No. 4 - Confirming the Nixon and Traver Sidewalk Gap Project, District 56 (8 Votes Required)
Attached and recommended for approval is Resolution 4 confirming the Special Assessment Roll for the Nixon and Traver Special Assessment District No. 56, File No. 20-0261
An administrative hearing explaining the project to property owners was held. Included in the discussions were cost estimates, property assessments and the work schedule. Resolution No. 1 was adopted on October 7, 2019. Resolution No. 2 establishing the estimated cost of the project, the estimated project revenue sources and directing the preparation of the special assessment roll was adopted by Council on March 16, 2020. Resolution No. 3, which passed on April 6, 2020, scheduled the Public Hearing for May 4, 2020.
Per City ordinance, it is recommended that property special assessments up to $1,200.00 be billed in one installment. Property special assessments over $1,200 shall be divided into equal installments as indicated in Chapter 12, subsection 1:275(2).
Prepared by: Jerry Markey, City Assessor
Reviewed by: Betsy Blake, Senior Assistant City Attorney
Matthew V. Horning, Interim Financial Services Area Administrator
and CFO
Approved by: Tom Crawford, Interim City Administrator
Whereas, City Council, after due and legal notice, has met for the purpose of reviewing the Special Assessment Roll, which is attached hereto;
Whereas, The City Council had directed the City Assessor to prepare a Special Assessment Roll for the purpose of defraying that part of the City’s cost of the following described public improvement: the Nixon and Traver Special Assessment District No. 56, File No. 20-0261;
Whereas, The City received written objections to the proposed improvement (attached hereto) by individuals who appear to bear over 50% of the special assessment amount;
Whereas, City Council has heard all persons interested in the necessity of the improvement or aggrieved by the Special Assessment Roll and has considered any and all objections thereto; and
Whereas, City Council is satisfied with said Special Assessment Roll;
RESOLVED, That said Special Assessment Roll, as prepared by the City Assessor, be hereby confirmed in the amount of $40,246.70 and the sum of $40,246.70 be paid by special assessment upon the property specially benefited within the City in accordance with the roll;
RESOLVED, That property special assessments up to $1,200.00 shall be billed in one installment;
RESOLVED, That property special assessments over $1,200.00 shall be divided into equal installments as indicated in Chapter 12, subsection 1:275(2). The affected parcels are as shown in the Special Assessment Roll, attached hereto;
RESOLVED, That the first installment shall be due on July 1, 2020, and the subsequent installments to be due on July 1st of each and every year thereafter until paid in full;
RESOLVED, That the deferred installments of said Special Assessment Roll bear interest at the rate of 3.59823% per annum, commencing July 1, 2020; and
RESOLVED, That the City Clerk be hereby directed to endorse the date of confirmation upon the Special Assessment Roll in accordance with Chapter 13, Code Section 1:291 and to transmit such Roll to the Treasurer for collection pursuant to Chapter 13, Code Section 1:291 and recording pursuant to Chapter 12, 1:275(8).