Resolution to Authorize Settlement of Peters Building Co. and Robert Weber v. City of Ann Arbor, Case No. 18-822-NZ
Prepared by: Kevin S. McDonald, Deputy City Attorney
Reviewed by: Stephen K. Postema, City Attorney
Whereas, On November 4, 2019, Council approved Resolution R-19-501 supporting the approval of a Consent Judgment to settle the Peters Building Co. and Robert Weber v. City of Ann Arbor lawsuit that approves a development on the property at 2857 Packard Road consistent with the PUD zoning, supplemental regulations and site plan submitted to the City, and provides a mutual release of claims;
RESOLVED, That City Council authorizes the City Attorney to resolve the case entitled Peters Building Co. and Robert Weber v. City of Ann Arbor, 22nd Circuit Court, Case No. 18-822-NZ, consistent with the terms of the Consent Judgment attached to this resolution;
RESOLVED, That City Council authorizes and directs the Mayor, City Clerk and City Attorney to sign the Consent Judgment;
RESOLVED, That City Council authorizes and directs the Mayor and Clerk to sign the Development Agreement referenced in the Consent Judgment substantially in the form of that attached; and
RESOLVED, That the City Council authorizes and directs the City Administrator, City Clerk, Mayor, and City Attorney to take such further actions that are consistent with the purposes of this resolution, and to implement the terms of the Consent Judgment following approval by the Court.
Sponsored by: Mayor Taylor