Resolution No. 1 - Prepare Plans and Specifications for the Proposed Scio Church Resurfacing Project's Sidewalk Gap Portion- Special Assessment (District #58), and Appropriate $20,000.00 from the General Fund Balance for the Design of the Project's New Sidewalk (8 Votes Required)
Approval of the attached resolution directs staff to prepare plans, specifications, and cost estimates to fill sidewalk gaps along the north side of Scio Church Road from 1740 Scio Church to 1780 Scio Church as a special assessment project.
Scio Church Road currently has four parcels with sidewalk gaps between South Maple and South Seventh. One parcel (between Greenview and Seventh) belongs to Ann Arbor Public Schools (AAPS), and staff will work with them directly to explore the potential addition of a sidewalk along that parcel at AAPS's cost.
In accordance with the City's Non-Motorized Plan (the north side of Scio Church between Landmark Court and Seventh Street in listed as a "near-term opportunity") and Complete Streets approach, it is proposed to install a new sidewalk to fill these gaps and provide continuous pedestrian connections at these locations. The construction of the sidewalk will also likely require the removal of some trees, necessitate temporary grading permits, and possibly require the relocation of DTE utility poles. The extent of any of these requirements to install sidewalk is not fully determined at this time and will be further explored during the engineering design and public engagement phase of the project.
The scope of the overall Scio Church Road Improvements Project also includes:
? Resurfacing of Scio Church between S. Maple Road and S. Seventh Street;
? Water service transfers and redundant water main abandonment between Covington Drive and Welch Court;
? Adding bike lanes;
? Adding crosswalks.
The City Code provides that the cost for first time sidewalk infrastructure be borne by the parcels that benefit from it. A preliminary planni...
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