Resolution Directing the City Administrator to Collaborate with the Ann Arbor Housing Commission to Provide Coordinated Analysis on the Feasibility of City-Owned Properties as Potential Locations for Affordable Housing
City Council has adopted the strategic goal of establishing Ann Arbor as a safe, warm and welcoming community. Consistent with that goal, the ability to provide affordable housing options is essential to that goal. The redevelopment of City-owned parcels of land that lie in the urban core, along transit corridors, and in the vicinities of employment centers can serve as a means to reduce the costs.
The City owns numerous parcels of property that may collectively provide solutions to community-wide affordability challenges. These properties include the Y-Lot (350 S. Fifth Avenue), the Kline Lot (309/335/337 S. Ashley Street, 216 W. William Street, and 104/116/120 William Street), 415 W. Washington Street, 404/406 N Ashley Street, the 4th Ave. and Catherine surface parking lot (the Kerrytown parking lot at the northwest corner of 4th Ave. and Catherine) and the 3400 Block of Platt (3432/3340 Platt Road and 3435/2442 Springbrook Avenue). The intent of this resolution is to provide a coordinated approach to evaluating the feasibility of these sites to provide affordable housing options.
Budget/Fiscal Impact: Staff support for this effort is already included in the FY19 and FY20 budgets. An additional $100,000 is identified in the Affordable Housing allocation proposed in the FY20 budget.
Prepared by: Howard S. Lazarus, City Administrator
Reviewed by: John Fournier, Assistant City Administrator; Jennifer Hall, Executive Director, Ann Arbor Housing Commission
Whereas, City Council has adopted the strategic goal of being a warm, welcoming, and safe community and providing affordable housing options is essential to that goal;
Whereas, Redevelopment of City-owned properties to provide building sites for affordab...
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