Resolution Directing the City Administrator to Evaluate Use of 1510 E. Stadium Boulevard for Redevelopment as an Ann Arbor Housing Commission Affordable Housing Location
Whereas, The City Master plan recommends development with higher densities around major destination points and transit lines to increase accessibility with shorter distances to goods and services;
Whereas, The City Master Plan recommends the addition of diverse housing choices including affordable housing to meet the current and future needs of our community, particularly for low-income households defined as those earning between 30% and 60% AMI, fixed income seniors and the housing insecure;
Whereas, The property at 1510 E. Stadium Boulevard is one of many properties owned by the city and identified by the Ann Arbor Housing Commission for its potential as an affordable housing site;
Whereas, The property at 1510 E. Stadium Boulevard is located near services, shopping, and other resources along major transit corridors;
Whereas, The Ann Arbor Fire Department currently uses the property at 1510 E. Stadium Boulevard for "Fire Prevention" operations and has communicated plans to take the property out of use with the "Fire Station Master Plan";
Whereas, The Fire Station Master Plan identifies serious capital needs and identifies the sale of 1510 E. Stadium Boulevard as critical to funding the implementation of the plan; and
Whereas, Potential development of the site for housing in central and accessible locations is consistent the City's equity and sustainability goals; and
Whereas, Continued City ownership of the site, and development of the site by the City working with the Ann Arbor Housing Commission would allow greater latitude in building type, building size and other considerations such as reduction of parking requirements.
RESOLVED, That the City Council directs the City Administrator to consider the feasibility for affordable housing and make a recommendation to the ...
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