Resolution to Approve FY 19 Allocations to Non-Profit Entities for Human Services - $1,247,529.00 (General Fund)
Attached for your consideration is a resolution to approve FY 2019 General Fund allocations to non-profit entities for human services, totaling $1,247,529.00. These awards are contingent on City Council's approval of the FY 19 budget, which includes this level of human services funding.
On October 16th, 2017 through resolution R-17-394, the City approved a continuation of the coordinated funding process for human services funding in partnership with Washtenaw County the Ann Arbor Area Community Foundation (AAACF), the United Way of Washtenaw County (UWWC), the Washtenaw Urban County, and Saint Joseph Mercy Health-Ann Arbor(SJMAA).
The coordinated funding process includes three funding processes: Sector Leadership (UWWC, AAACF, and SJMAA), Capacity Building (UWWC, AAACF, and SJMAA), and Program Operations (City of Ann Arbor, Washtenaw County, UWWC, AAACF, and SJMAA). Each process is informed by the others and the Coordinated Funders collaborate to ensure efficient and effective investment of both public and private human services funding. The final allocation of resources and approval of funding recommended in each of these processes, however, remains under the authority of each partner's governing board.
Through the partnership and process described in Resolution R-17-394, the program Coordinated Funding staff is recommending that a total of $4,350,140 be allocated annually to 38 agencies operating 59 programs, four of which are directed investments, in the following manner:
Funding Source FY 2018-2020 Amount
City of Ann Arbor General Fund $1,247,529.00
Washtenaw County General Fund $1,015,000.00
United Way of Washtenaw County $1,270,000.00
Washtenaw Urban County CDBG funds $277,029.00
Ann Arbor Area Community Foundation funds $290,582.00
St. Joseph Mercy Ann Arbor funds $250,000.00
TOTAL $4,350,140.00
The recommendatio...
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