Resolution to Award a Construction Contract to Bailey Excavating, Inc. for the 2018 Water Main and Sanitary Sewer Projects ($2,645,719.04)
Attached for your review and approval is a resolution to award a construction contract to Bailey Excavating, Inc. in the amount of $2,645,719.04 for the 2018 Water Main and Sanitary Sewer Projects.
The 2018 Water Main and Sanitary Sewer Projects will consist of the following:
* Replace sanitary sewer on Horman Court (Forest to Olivia) and Forest Ave. (Horman to north of Minerva)
* Replace water main on Horman Court (Forest to Olivia)
* Replace water main on Brookwood Place (White to Packard)
* Extend sanitary sewer on Stone School Road (Ticknor to south of Packard)
* Extend sanitary sewer to 2780 Packard (within an easement on the Ann Arbor Housing Commission Hikone property)
* Replace water main on Sycamore Place (White to Park Place)
* Replace Sanitary Sewer on Lafayette (Concord to Lenawee).
The above-listed locations represent individual projects listed in the City's Capital Improvements Plan. The projects were brought together under one construction contract in order to obtain better construction prices and save on administrative efforts. Once the utility work is completed at each location, the street will be resurfaced to provide a consistent driving surface free of patches.
Construction is expected to begin in early June. Communications will be sent to all affected property owners in advance of the contractor beginning work at each individual location.
Project plans and specifications were distributed electronically through the City of Ann Arbor's procurement website and MITN.info. Three bids were received and opened on March 28, 2018. The lowest responsible bid, from Bailey Excavating, Inc., in the amount of $2,645,719.04 was 2.4% over the Engineer's Estimate. Attached is a summary of the bids received for the project.
Bailey Excavating, Inc. has submitted all required Non-Discrimination, Pr...
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